drivin around

482 12 4

18th of may - 12 days until tour- 2 days until graces birthday

me and kian messaged after that night. a bit. he told me i'd changed and it was different but that id always be his little sister. it hurt me but i forgot about it, i'd spent enough time sad. the boys ran around that night making me meals and singing me sad songs. i really loved them and was beyond excited to go on the road with them.

10 am

"hello" i heard faintly. i was still asleep so i tried to brush it off
"oi" i heard again
"OI GRACE WAKE UP" i opened my eyes to se george hovering above me jumping up and down like a kid
"wake the FUCK UP"
"right right i'm awake george stoppppp" i moaned. my hands flew next to me
"matty?" i called out sounding worried
"he's gone out babe that why i'm here"
"hmm great replacement" i joke
"so" he said
"so?" i asked
"mattys gonna be gone all day so you and me have a day to waste. get ready"
"get ready!" i grimaced but went along with it. as soon as he left i showered in mattys en-suite. did my lashes and brows and straightened my hair before walking to my wardrobe and picking out skinny black jeans, doc martins, emerald off the shoulder top and mattys leather jacket.
"beauty" george sand as i walked out of mattys room and struck a faux pose.
"where are we going?" i asked. he tapped his nose and shook his head
"nope" we walked down to his car and got in before speeding away into 11 o'clock rush hour traffic. the whole way there we listened to the artic monkeys and george told me about the time they met the band while i sat in awe.
"we are here!" i looked around to see an empty parking lot.
"we are in an empty parking lot?" i asked
"because" he said going to the boot of his car and pulling out fruit salad.
"we are gonna sit on the roof of my car and eat this!" i shook my head at him
"BECAUSE" i gave up arguing and climbed up onto his car's roof beside him digging into the fruit salad
"mm the strawberries are nice"
"picked em myself" george said looking proud
"from where ...?"
"next door, they have a strawberry patch!"
"nah they knew i asked" i sighed with relief
he pulled out his beats pill and switched on charlie xcx, i smiled. we sat there until 1pm before george announced we should go to the next place

"the next place?" he nodded as we jumped back into his silver bmw. the next location was a farm
"do i ask why or do i not bother?"
"it's an alpaca petting"
"... george if you're kidding"
"i'm not!" i flew at him, hugging him tightly
"love you love you love you"
"shutup i love you gracie" the alpacas were brought to us on leashes and we. got to walk them round a large grassy field.
"ugh i want one georgie"
"i knew you would"
"take a picture of us?" i said posing with the alpaca while he snapped pictures. two hours later our time was up and we walked the alpacas back to their home. we thanked the man and hugged the alpacas goodbye
"thankyou george" i said once we were back on the car. he shrugged
"it's nothing" i looked at the clock in his car 4:30, where had the time all gone today?
"home?" i asked
"home" he nodded
"matty should be back" he added. we pulled up outside the apartment and went up in the lift. matty was stood over the stove cooking what looked like pasta
"hey babe" i said kissing his cheek
"hey darlin" he replied. an hour later we were sat with red wine and pasta at the kitchen table talking about our day.
"george took me to an alpaca walk!" i exclaimed! matty smiled at me
"was it as good you hoped?"
"more so!" i said
"how was your day?" george asked matty
"good yeah good"
"where did you go?"
"um to arrange things"
"things?" he winked at me
"birthday things i can't say" he added. i smiled. i was excited for my birthday. excited to spend it with my boys.


"aaaa MATTY" i shrieked while he threw washing up liquid at me
"NEVER" he said tackling me. i slipped on the soap on the floor and we both ended up in a heap. i was on top of matty and his damp curls were beneath my fingers.
"you're so so beautiful" he whispered
"i love you" i said kissing his soft lips slowly
i got off him and pulled him up,
"you're 19 in two days what the fuck!"
"don't! i'm scared ... i guess?" he kissed my nose
"don't be scared. ever" i smiled and we finished washing and drying the dishes and pots.
"i'm gonna have an early night" i called to matty and george who were now sprawled on the sofa playing gta.
"night baby, love you"
"love you matty"
"night kid"
"night george" i said walking into mine and mattys room and slipping off my my clothes and into my grey pyjama shorts and mattys champion hoodie. i tried my hair in a ponytail and slipped into bed. within minutes i was asleep

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now