shopping with mom jeans

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7th of may - 23 days until tour

"i'm scared though" i declared
"but gracey you have already met her once"
"yeah but it's DIFFERENT like this"
"we are gonna go shopping for tour outfits and dinner outfits for tomorrow so get ready"
"ugh" i sighed, he kissed my nose and ruffled my hair
"you got this" i knew he was right. we were having dinner with his mum and her boyfriend lincoln tomorrow night. and i know i had already met her but i was SCARED. 20 minutes later we were all ready. it was decided i would ride with matty (obviously) ross with george and adam with carly. we were also meeting carly for the first time over lunch today. i was excited.
we pulled up outside manchester arndale
"here!" matty said turning off the ignition. getting out of the car we looked good. matty was dressed in skinny black jeans, a white too and obviously a leather jacket paired with old school vans. it was getting warmer now so i opted for black mom jeans, my doc martins and a red lace body suit paired with mattys leather jacket.
"you look too fucking hot" i pushed him playfully
"nah i'm not kidding you look so so hot" he said nuzzling into my neck. a moan escaped my mouth but we were not about to do this here
"come on lover boy, let's shop"  he pouted, u knew i couldn't keep putting having sex off, and i was ready. there was just never a right time, george was always there. and for my first ever time i refused to have george there. he linked his hand into mine and we walked to the entrance, the rest of the boys and carly were already inside.
"here" matty said handing me a debit card
"i cant take this!"
"shutup yes you can, jamie gave us money to get tour outfits and we put some on it ourselves then divided by everyone, your share is left"
"matty" i started
"no i won't hear it! there's about 3000 on there, go wild"
"MATTY" he laughed
"we ain't poor no more kid. look at where we live, what we drive" i knew he was right, they were a long way from doing weed in mattys back garden. he kissed my forehead before saying
"text me if you need me"
"i will" i said crashing into his lips. we parted our ways, i entered new look first. skirts. picking up faux leather skirts left right and centre, corduroy, coloured denim. i was in heaven. next i hit h&m i got knitted sweaters, tights and a lot of them. tank tops, a couple bardot and plenty of off the shoulder tops. pink was the best place, i picked up s couple of bras and underwear from victoria secrets,  top shop was next on my hit list, i picked up more tights, a denim jacket, sunglasses and a really cute off the shoulder jumper. i jumped into footlocker to pick up some new vans, just plain white. for my outfit for tomorrow i chose debenhams, i strolled to the dresses. matty has told me his mum was posh and he was wearing a suit so i knew i had to go all out. my fingers lingered on the dresses. then i found one. it was a two piece, in black, adorned with jewels the top fitted with a corset style at the back and the skirt was flowly and touched the floor. for shoes i picked some beautiful black heels from the back of the store. and then finally paired it with a faux leather clutch. as i was funny i pulled out my phone

new text from *matty*

matty: we are done!
grace: just paying where should i meet u?
matty: where are you?
grace: debenhams
matty: we will be outside xxxxx

after paying i strolled out of the store, glee. i saw my beautiful boyfriend waiting wow. i flew over to him surprising him with kisses.
"let's go eat!" he said once the attack stopped. i looked at all his bags mainly Selfridges.
"good trip?"
"oh yes" i giggled
"you're right, let's eat" we walked to where were meeting the boys and carly. valerie patisserie the sign read. if been in here once and it was so beautifully posh. we pushed opened the door and i saw a girl clock matty. fan girl?
"hi-hi oh god i'm so sorry, could um could i have a picture? i love your work and um yeah" she stumbled over her words nervously.
"of course darling" he said
"you okay to take it?"
"of course" i was proud of him. as i snapped the pictures i saw the girl start to cry. matty saw too and hugged her softly.
"thankyou" she beamed. we walked over to take our places next to george.
"hey" carly beamed at me. she was beautiful. perfect for adam, quiet, gorgeous ginger hair adorned with tattoos. she was nice. we ate and laughed and before we knew it, the time had flown and it was now 4pm.
"we should all get home" george said
"yeah you got a point"
"it was so nice to meet you carly" i said hugging her
"see you soon adam" i said hugging him tightly
"look after yourselves" he beamed obviously too in love to leave. me, ross, george and matty were all walking to the cars to part our way and go home.
"see ya at home mate" george said to matty and me
"drive safe" i said as matty loaded all our bags into the boot before we climbed in.
"i am so tired" i giggled
"meet too matty"
"home time?"
"yes" i groaned.

i think i fell asleep in the car ride home, but i awoke to matty shaking me
"mmm" i mumbled
"come on baby" he said as i felt the seat belt move from under me. i was in mattys arms next thing i knew. i heard the. doorman ask if i was okay
"she's just tired" i heard the elevator ding and then a door open. i remember being placed on the bed
"i'm gonna change your clothes now" matty said clearly. he slipped my leather jacket off, then my mom jeans and my body suit. he replaced them with one of his oversized sweatshirts, i knew this because it's all i had been wearing lately.
"yeah baby?"
"lay with me" and he did, he cuddled under the covers. nothing else mattered at this point in life. nothing at all.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now