end of the night in a silver bmw

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"FUCK" yelled matty once we were outside the restaurant
"matty babe" i said picking up the hem of my dress to walk over to him, he sat on a wall sparking up a cigarette
"calm down"
"fuck her grace" i patted his shoulder
"it's okay"
"it's not, i saw your face" i shifted uncomfortably
"tonight was suppose to be about you grace"
"it's okay matty"
"stop saying that" he said throwing his cigarette to the ground and putting his head into his hands. i took my shoes off, leaving them on the floor before hopping up beside him. i kissed his head before he collapsed into my lap
"matty?" he was sweating, cold shivers.
"matty?" i asked even more concerned. i pulled my phone out of my clutch

*new call to george*
the line rang twice before he picked up

"what's up?"
"long story, denise invited gabby"
"that's not the worst part, mattys in a cold sweat? george i'm worried" i heard a commotion of words in the background
"fuck, look i'm coming i promise it's okay"
"i'm coming kid"

with that he ended the call and i was left alone with matty asleep on my lap outside a fancy restaurant. god how i wished lia was here. my hair was blowing everywhere with the wind, my heels still laid on the floor and my clutch beside me. matty jolted awake suddenly
"GRACE?" he called out
"baby i'm here"
"i'm sorry"
"why?" he refused to look me in the eye.
"george is coming" i said as he relaxed back into my lap. i stroked his hair tentatively, i loved his curls. we sat there for what felt like forever. it was may but the breeze was strong. george finally pulled up, a sweater in one hand and bottle of water in the other.
"here" he said handing me the sweater
"thankyou" he picked up my shoes and took them back to the car emerging with a bucket.
"matty mate"
"yeah?" mumbled matty.
"here" he said handing him the water and the bucket.
"grace you ride upfront with me"
"i don't-"
"don't play just don't i'll explain it later" i nodded at george,
i walked over to his silver bmw and sat in the front pulling on my seatbelt on. i watched out of the windows, watched george pick matty off the wall, his body limp and lifeless. i didn't understand what was happening. and i was fucking terrified. he opened the door and placed matty in the car. mattys hand still clutching the bucket and water.
george shut the door before sliding into the drivers seat.

we drove home in silence. as soon as we got to the apartment i went straight up and into the bathroom. i finally understood what was going on. matty was high. i had dealt with lia after enough night outs to know. and i always hated it. i took my dress off and replaced it with grey sweats and a white tank top. i threw my hair in a half up half down style before returning to the living room where george sat with a glass of whiskey
"wanna share?"
"the whiskey or the story?" he half chuckled
"both?" i suggested. he patted the sofa pouring me a glass.
"i thought he was clean, he promised he was"
"what was it?"
"oh" was all i could muster
"he isn't addicted, not like he use to be, it's just when shit gets hard he turns to it you know"
i nodded, i'd never done hard drugs but alcohol was a constant for me.
"i'm sorry george"
"no i'm sorry grace i should have told you, he's your boyfriend but i didn't want to worry you. i thought he had it under control" we talked for hours, until the sun came up. i started to fall asleep on his shoulder
"cmon kid let's get you to bed" he said. i hugged him tightly before heading to mattys room.
"love you" i whispered
"love you" he said back. i closed the door and slid next to matty
"mmm" he mumbled
"sh sh sh" i said stroking his hair once again
"i'm sorry" he whispered
"i know i know" i said right before i drifted off beside him

9th of may - 21 days until tour

later in the day, around 12pm i woke up, matty was still passed out. i headed out of the room towards the kitchen. i poured myself a black coffee and settled down on the sofa. i pulled my mac out and opened up some tabs on addiction. i wanted to know how to prepare.
an hour later george came out
"he okay?"
"still asleep" i whispered. he nodded
"yeah he will be" he made a tea before sitting beside me dressed in only a white t-shirt and grey sweats.
"you okay?" he asked, i shrugged
"i don't know. it's a lot"
"i know" he said. we spent most of the day drinking tea and coffee and waiting for matty to surface. when he finally did, it was around 4pm
"what?" he said harshly as he left the bedroom
"nothing mate" george replied
"no you fucking what mate" matty asked again
"stop matty you're on a comedown"
"don't tell me what i am" he shouted
"'matty" i started
"get out"
"what?" i replied shell shocked
"GET OUT" he screamed. i looked at george
"go to my room" i didn't argue i went straight there and shut the door. the pair yelled for another hour, i felt like my head was going to explode. i walked to george's en-suite, turning the shower on an sitting outside it. george came in his room
"grace are you in the shower?"
"no george i'm here, it just drowned out the noise"
"i'm so sorry" he began
"he doesn't know what he's saying"
"should i leave?" i asked
"no! this is your home. you can stay in my room, i'll sleep on the couch"
"no i will"
"grace i won't hear it" i smiled at him, he deserved happiness he really did.
"i got you some clothes, well underwear and pyjamas. you can wear my hoodies and sweats even though they will be massive"
"i love you georgie"
"i love you but i'll leave you to get changed and then we will order some food. leave the grumpy shit to come down alone"
"should he be alone?" i asked worried. george scoffed
"he will only be horrible" i nodded.


after we ordered a pizza and watched pitch perfect again i started to yawn. george started to get of the bed
"stay?" i asked
"is that appropriate?"
"you're my bestfriend"
"and you're mine grace"
we fell asleep, me under his covers, him on top. i heard him thrashing about in the night unlike matty next door who was silent. our first fight. i wanted nothing more than to hug matty and kiss him. george was right though, he would only be horrible. i could only hope he was okay.

3am 10th of may - 14days until tour

i couldn't take the insomnia, george was fast asleep when i slipped out of his room. i went into the living room and moved the sliding door open onto the balcony leaving them open so i could get back in. i went inside to get a packet of cigarettes and a bottle of red wine. settling on the concrete balcony floor, lighting up a cigarette and opening the bottle i felt at ease
"hey" a voice from behind me said. matty.
"you feeling better?"
"good" we sat in silence for a few moment.
"i'm sorry if i scared you, i didn't want you to see me like that" i nodded. he sat beside me sparking up his own cigarette. i leaned against his chest, tracing patterns along it.
"i love you i whispered"
"i love you" and in the middle of manchester, at 3 am on a cold balcony i hoped it was enough

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now