last day of being 18

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19th of may - 11 days until tour- 1 day until graces birthday

the sun poured onto the dinning table. me, adam, ross and carly were all having a catch up over ross' vegan meal.
"no way!" carly gushed
"yeah aha" i replied
"it's TRUE" yelled ross
"they seriously met up at college and then that night they went clubbing" i told carly. she'd asked about george and lia and i finally felt like i could speak about it. her story needed telling
"when did they make it official?"
"um around february i think, they'd been clubbing for days straight and then he took her to a restaurant one day and asked her out!"
"wow" she breathed, she never met lia but she liked to hear stories about her. and it still hurt, but it was easier
"she was gonna run away, because she would have turned 18 so she was free to go anyway but yeah she was just gonna leave"
"why?" carly asked. i shrugged my shoulders, she wouldn't understand truly
"it's something she always wanted to do. she just wanted to vanish" i sipped my wine and carly smiled at me
"i think she would be very proud of you and george"
"i do too"
after dinner we retired to the living room, it was only half 1 in the afternoon but we were full on ross' vegan food and happy. matty and george were out, i had no idea where or doin what. but they were out.
"you're 19 tomorrow aren't you?" asked carly, i smiled and looked at adam
"yeah i am"
"well happy early birthday" she said pulling me into a flowery perfumed hug
adam kissed her cheek and said
"we should go but thanks for having us grace and thanks for the food ross"
"i'll see you soon!" i said hugging them both and walking them to the door.
"she's so sweet" ross said as soon as the door closed
"she really is, i'm happy for adam"
we spent the rest of the afternoon talking about tour and what places we were most excited for. i was obviously most excited for paris, i'm a romantic can you blame me? ross was excited for france in general, we were only going for a month but i knew the whole month would be packed with events and we would barley have time to sit still. i was excited despite the fact it scared me.
when it got to around four ross stood up
"i should get going but happy birthday babe" i laughed and pulled him into a hug
"thankyou my vegan friend. i'll see you super soon!" as soon as the door was shut i carried all the dishes to the sink and cleaned the countertops. next i tackled the living room, sweeping the wooden floor and cleaning up all the glasses and putting them back where they belonged. i then took the wine down to the bins. leon was down there, he was still a bit off with matty ever since the incident where he had to take mattys key away. i didn't blame him, it must have been terrifying.

i texted matty to see what was happening for our evening meal

*new text to matty*

grace: what's going on with tonight?
grace: like should i cook?
matty: u don't have 2
grace: pizza?
matty: there's 3 in fridge x
grace: see u 2 soon xxx
matty: love you
grace: love you

i smiled and walked over to the fridge to do three pizzas out and shove them straight into the oven. i didn't know how long they'd be so i put them on slow cook. i went back into the living room straight to the balcony where i opened the door and went out to stare at the city. manchester was so beautiful at night all the cars and lights. i couldn't believe i was turning 19 tomorrow. so much had happened in the last month i didn't know how to comprehend it all right now. i took a deep breath, i felt okay. genuinely okay. and that was strange for me because i never felt this good.

i heard the door go and the boys walk in, matty dropped his key onto the coffee table near the door
"hey babe"
"matty!" i said kissing him
"miss me?"
"obviously you idiot"
"and me?" asked george
"and you!" i said pulling the giant into a hug. it was good to see them. matty was dressed in his iconic black skinnies and doc martins, george was in grey joggers and a white t-shirt with sunglasses on despite the fact he was inside. my boys.

we all sat on the sofa talking about our day eating the pizza.
"you're 19 tomorrow" matty stated bluntly
"i know!"
"excited?" he asked
"a little and that's weird because i don't care for my birthday" he nodded, it wasn't just to do with lia or anything, even though i'm still young ageing scares me.
"it's gonna be good" george promised
time went by and before i knew it, it was 10 o'clock.
"okay!" matty said rubbing his hands together
"the last two hours of 18 .. what are you doing?" i couldn't help but giggle
"i'm spending it with you two because i loves you both a whole lot" george smiled at me.
"you sure?" matty asked, how could i not be sure, my boyfriend and my bestfriend all in one place.
"i'm sure matty, lets just have a nice night in" so that's what we did right up until 12am. the boys shouted and sang happy birthday to me. tears were shed. by 12:20 am we were all in bed.
"grace?" matty said once we were tucked in
"yes matty?"
"i love you"
"i love you" i told him
"happy birthday" he said kissing me on the forehead before i fell asleep

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now