calling out to me

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the flight was good, i knew matty hated flying though so he was still a little bit off. the whole flight didn't take that long but he held my hand through it all.

"you okay?" i asked once the plane landed

"mmh" he mumbled, he looked pasty white and his hands kept fidgeting

"matty?" i ask once more

he smiles at me and reassures me

"fine honest! just hate planes" he smiles

we stand around waiting for our bags, i brought my large suitcase whereas matty opted for a smaller suitcase, we were only here for 2 days but i couldn't help it, when in paris you may as well dress accordingly.

"there's ours!" i said squeezing his arm, he laughed

"you're more of a baby than rose"

"i cant help it" i said resting my head on his chest, he smelt of aftershave, i knew exactly which one because i'd bought him it the other month

i walked to the carousel and collected both our cases, he grabbed his from me and we set off our of the entrance, we had a taxi waiting so we just had to find the sign with our name, my eyes skirted around but i couldn't see it. then i clocked it


"there" i said looting to the guy, matty smiled

"heya mate" matty said shaking his hand, he took the suitcase from me and loaded into the boot meanwhile matty opened the door for me to sit inside

"thankyou sir" i said mocking him

the taxi itself was fancy, cream leather seats and beautiful interior, it was a black Audi, like one i had my eye on back in london. i loved this car because it made me feel so posh.

matty jumped in the other side of the car and took my hand in his

"you're gonna love the hotel" he told me as the taxi driver got into the seat and slipped us into gear.

i rested my head on mattys shoulder and watched and france passed us by, i watched the other cars speed along the freeway, i thought about where they were going. matty did the same, i saw his eyes move with the masses of cars.
the birds flew alongside the car almost, seeing who would win and the sun beat down on the windows making beautiful patterns every once in a while.

this was where i wanted to be.

as soon as we got to the hotel room everything was perfect and even better this time around because i knew we were truly one another's.

the hotel itself was beautiful, the entrance had a beautiful marble floor and big pillars, the whole aesthetic was very beautiful, paris.

our hotel room is gorgeous, it was is and has a jacuzzi bath, the bed is a fourposter bed with netted curtain hanging from the top and crisp white linen.

i run my fingers over the integer gold design of the mirror, swirls of gold and silver worked into the frame.

matty is still acting a little weird but i brushed it off, it must be the nerves from flying. he seems okay, just very now and then i catch him playing with the loose skin on his fingers.

"wow" i breathed as i opened the curtains to reveal a massive balcony, we were in the honeymoon suit because it was the one with the biggest balcony, i loved that he cared enough to get this room.

matty went and put our cases in the wardrobes and grab to unpack while i took photos on my phone, in the last hotel i could see the Eiffel tower but now i could almost touch it.

"wanna grab a bit to eat?" he asks

it's only 5pm, the sun is still high so i nod

"let me change" i ask

"i'll wait for you" he says kissing my cheek

i open my suitcase and pick out the first thing i can find, the beautiful white thigh length dress with tulips leaves and white bodice, i run my hand over the soft thin material, it's beautiful. it's lightweight enough so i'm not too cold but i make a note to carry my denim jacket just in case.

the neckline is a bit of a V so i put on the seashell choker form ross and my locket from matty. i storks then both and think about what ross and the other boys are doing right now, i hope they are all having a good time. my mind lingers on rose, my mum text me early and said rose was fine but i can't help missing her.

my hair is a curly mess from travelling but it kinda fits with the whole aesthetic. i pick out my nike air max and nike socks to go with it as i want to be able to walk.
i slap on some mascara and lip balm and i'm ready.

i look at myself in the mirror and i almost don't recognise myself. i look so young and carefree. the dress was so expensive but so worth it, it's beautiful and really fits being in paris beautifully.

i walk into the bedroom where mattys sat and he looks up at me, he doesn't speak but his eyes fall all over the dress and his mouth falls open a little

"what dya think?" i say as i twirl around to show him the dress fully, the room is spinning a little by the time i stop

"you" he clears his throat

"you look beautiful gracey, really really fucking beautiful"

i swear i see a tear in his eye but it's probably the light, i don't look that nice

"you ready?" i ask


"let's go then" i say taking his hand in mine, it's a little sweaty but it could just be the heat.

he's wearing a rusty red shirt that i'm pretty sure is form the women's section but it suits him perfectly and he knows it and black jeans, his hair is more curly than mine from the travelling but with the light behind him he looks perfect.

he takes the key and makes sure to lock the door before we head out of the hotel foyer and into the paris early night sky.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now