chasing down what you lost

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london was ... london felt like coming home after a long holiday.

i must be one of the only people in the world who thinks london is beautiful. to the normal person it's scary and fast and ugly and rough. but to me, to me london is perfect.

i'd spent the last two days sorting my flat out and making sure everything was in order. matty had swung by to help me set up my dismantlement bed, shift gemma's sofa and put the cot pieces together.

my parents were babysitting rose tonight and i was about to call matty to ask him to come over when i realised i still hadn't told george i was back. i mean, he knew because of matty but it wasn't the same. i couldn't fix what me and matty had been he caused it and not even talk to george.

i decided i was going to call george,call matty, drop rose off at my mums and prepare the rest of the flat for tonight. i just really wanted us to be okay now. i was strong enough to have let him back into my life, i wanted it to stay that way.

i also needed to tell gemma about matty, of course we had spoke since everything but i just hadn't told her yet. i didn't want to lie to her but i also didn't want her to think i was being sucked back in. i was strong enough to tackle everything this time around and i just wanted to make sure she knew this before she knew the truth.

first to tackle was george

*phone to george*

"who is this?" i heard a gruff voice at the other end

"uh its ... it's grace"

"grace?" he said in almost disbelief, the surprise hurt me

"yeah uhm hey?"

"grace im- are you free?"

"uh?" i answered

"sorry ... too forward?" he asked sounded worried

"no! uh no, give me like 2 hours?"

"the old coffee shop?" george asked

"i didn't think you remembered"

"how could i not?" he laughed

"see you soon" i said

"okay!" he chuckled ending the call

it was easier than i thought, i mean i hadn't seen him in about 8 months now, that's a long time to go without speaking to someone. i was afraid it would be skewed but at the same time he agreed to meet? surely there was hope

matty was next on my call list,

he picked up after the first ring which warmed my heart, i didn't have to worry anymore, we were each others

*phone to matty*

"hey" he said

"my mums babysitting rose tonight" i told matty over the phone

"oh yeah?"

"i have a bottle of red with your name on it"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now