double party

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april 8th- signing part and mattys nineteenth

"mmm grace wake up" lia mumbled from beside me in my bed. she'd spent the night after being torn apart by the news.
"immm uppp" i told her with my eyes closed. she poked me in the face
"oh really?" she asked
"yes now shutup" i giggled. i turned to her and open my eyes. she looked better than yesterday. more rested.
"i'm gonna go shower and then we can start to get ready" i said to her.

"i have NOTHING to wear" i exclaimed slumping on the floor. i looked at my bestfriend who looked STUNNING. she had a checked skirt, fishnet tights, black bardot and old school vans. how could i top that and make matty not forget me?
"would you SHUT UP" lia said
"i'm gonna finds you a killer outfit gracey, you have to T R U S T" she said spelling out trust individually.
she pulled out a black skater skirt, bardot and a cropped jumper.
"pair this with the white socks and fish nets like me and there you go" i had to hand it to her, i looked amazing. we looked straight out of tumblr. but amazing.

walking to the party

mattys house was t too far so we decided on walking. we knew we'd need the fresh air to prepare for all the alcohol and smoke we would intake tonight
"so" lia started
"you haven't really spoke about your feelings about them leaving for america. and i know you have them" i shrugged at her not knowing what to say
"i ... i hate it. i want to tell him to not go, we have finally gotten to a good place, ross and adam are my best friends and georgie makes you happy. i don't want all that to be torn away"
"i'm so proud of them gracey but i cant imagine being here without them now" i nodded taking in everything she was saying. it hurt, but we couldn't ruin their success.
"we're here"
"deep breaths" i told her walking in

the party was certainly alive, and mattys mum was certainly going to kill him.
sat on the stairs there were people sleeping or passed out, laid on the sofa girls with drinks in their hands. i looked at lia and mouthed
"the boys?"  she shrugged
"outside?" she shrugged again
"let's go see" she said
pushing through the crowds of people, and with everyone yelling
stepping into the garden was a breath of fresh air i heard a guitar and a soft voice. matty. he was sat infront of a makeshift campfire with ross, adam and george around him.
"leee!!" george slurred
"eeee!! baby" lia squealed jumping into his arms
matty stopped playing and looked at me,
"hey" he said horsely
"why aren't you inside?" he shrugged
"not feeling it i guess"
"i'm just sorry i didn't tell you the truth at the start"
"it's okay, i'm gonna miss you but i know you have to do it"
"i wanted to ask you something and you can say no"
"go o-" i couldn't finish my sentence because there was screaming behind me
"m-m- MATTY"
"MATTY HELP" screams came from inside the house, we all looked at each other before running in the house towards the commotion.
"what's going on?" matty asked
"happy birthday to you" everyone started circling round him with a cake
"happy birthday to you" his face lit up
"happy birthday dear matty, happy birthday to you" surrounded by at least 100 people he looked so content
"a weed cake haha you shouldn't have guys" he said half wiping his eyes before blowing out the candles with a grin. he looked at george but he shrugged
"don't thank us, thank your girl she cooked it"
he turned to me and smiled,
"you did this?"
"no big deal; let me give you your present"
"another thing man i don't deserve you"
"shutup" i said handing him his present.
he looked confused at first but he opened the card and his mouth dropped open
"WHAT IS IT" bellowed ross
"gracey" he breathed
"WHAT IS IT MATE" added adam
he turned the card around to reveal i bought him an acoustic guitar, he just had to pick it up from the shop. he looked at me with tears in his eyes before picking me up and twirling me around.
"gracey what the fuck" squeezing me tightly and kissing me beautifully, brushing my hair out of my face.
"firstly give it up for the best girl i know, secondly LETS GET MAD"
i smiled at him a lot that night because he was so beautiful when he was happy. i think i fell in love a lot that night

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now