jetting off

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"graceeeeeee" matty moaned as soon as we sat in our seats on the plane
"i'm scared of flying" i looked at my boyfriend, his skin was normally pale white but now he was pasty white with sweat droplets forming.
"matty, you need to breathe" i said gripping his hand,
"i got you" i told him and he relaxed back into his seat. we put earphones in and i switched in my playlist which consisted of lorde and charlie xcx, he smiled. he smiled right up until the point the plane started to take off. i loved flying and had never feared it, but i could see how genuinely scared he was and i tried my best to comfort him
"matty, i love you" i said playing with his soft hair
"are you saying that incase we die?" he said his eyes going wide with terror. i couldn't help but laugh
"no you idiot, i'm telling you i love you because i love you" he smiled and gripped my hand even tighter, he didn't let go until the plane until we landed several hours later. we were two hours in front here so when we land the sun was beginning to set. it was half 7 when we touched down and began to vacate the plane.

as soon as we stepped off the plane we were hit in the face with a beautiful hot wind. i smiled at my boyfriend who already had his black sunglasses on
"you look like a rockstar" i told him when we were on the bus to the airport from the plane. he smiled
"you know it baby" i giggled, he was an idiot, but my idiot. we collected our bags and go a taxi to the villa we were stopping in. as soon as we got to it my jaw dropped
"matty" i breathed. he smiled
"happy nineteenth!" the villa was so close to the beach, you just had to look out of the balcony and you'd be created by a beautiful sea. the villa itself was two stories with a massive pool on the front. it was white with tan shutters and a massive open plan kitchen and living room. i grinned. we put our bags down and changed into more holiday attire. looking through my suitcases i realised the boys had done a good job of packing clothes
"wanna eat out?" matty asked poking his head out of the bathroom
"i'd love to" i slipped into a baby pink chiffon skirt and a white lace bralette, i brushed my hair and reapplied some lipgloss. for shoes i put my high top converse on with some frilly pink socks.
"ready!" i called out to matty
"wow you look ... wow. do you wanna date? i'm single?" matty joked pulling me in for a kiss, his lips connected with mine and his hands met my back.
"shutup loser and lets go eat" he looked good, genuinely good. the sun would be a relief for his pasty body and being away from manchester would do his mind good. i still worried about him.
"what you thinking about?" he asked
"just how much i love you" i told him. this made his grin even wider.

"i've called a taxi it's out front, you ready?"
"always" i said. we climbed into the taxi and matty asked him to take us to the best restaurant.

we finally arrived outside what looked liked like a castle. the outside was white and draped with fairy lights, the windows were bigger than any windows i'd ever seen. we opened the glass door to be greeted by a smiling woman
"table for two?" she asked in a posh accent
"yes please" matty nodded politely. we were seated next to one of the massive windows and i smiled at her a she told us to take as long as we needed.
"i feel like we should whisper" i told matty
"me too, is that strange?" i loved him. i looked at him concentrate on what to pick, his eyes darted back and forth as if he was reading the great gatsby.
"you decided?" he asked
"i'm just gonna have greek salad" he closed the menu
"me too" although it was nearly 9pm now the warmth still covered our bodies and the sun was still in he process of setting.
"thankyou matty, you shouldn't have done this. for your 19th you got weed cake and a trashed house" he laughed at my comment
"god that feels like a lifetime ago doesn't it?"
"it does. i cant believe it was a little over a year ago, that's it. now look at us"
"i couldn't afford to take you to blackpool last year never mind greece" he said scratching his head
"thankyou, i know we parted ways and things got complicated ... but we are back and i hope it doesn't change"
the waitress came back to take our orders and drinks before swiftly leaving again. she appeared seconds later with a tray of two glasses of wine and two lemonades.
"i know" i finally said
"you know?"
"i worry something bad will happen and we will break again" he nodded taking in what i'd said
"i think we are gonna be okay" he said after a couple seconds
"so so i matty"
"do you think it was always gonna be this?"
"be what?" i asked
"well did you think we would be like this when you met me on that wall?" i laughed, that truly seemed like 10 years ago at this point
"i met you at 17 i don't know what i thought. but you should know i wrote about you a lo after we first met" i confessed
"you stopped writing didn't you?"
"can i see what you wrote about me?" he enquires just as the waitress set our salads down and told us to enjoy our meal
"one day healy"
"then same for you"
"i know what you write about" i told him
"what?" he asked
"how much you love me"
"confident statement" he replied
"is it true?"
"oh it is gracey it is" i giggled knowing i'd won.

after our meal matty called the taxi back up and we climbed in the back. matty told him the address and off we sped into the darkness to the place we were to call home for the next 7 days.

"we are here gracey" matty said gently shaking me. i just have fallen asleep with all the day entailed. matty once again payed the driver and we walked back in the gate of the villa
"you tired?" matty asked, i shook my head and looked at the infinity pool. matty looked at me in the eye. time to be brave. i took my baby pink skirt off, my converse and socks. u was left in my white bralette and matching lacy underwear. his mouth dropped. he discarded his white t-shirt and black jeans. left only in his white calvin's he jumped head on into the pool. smiling like an idiot i ran after him, cannon balling into the pool. i soon as i hit the water the cold hit me, i stayed underwater, opening my eyes to see matty doing the same. i wanted to stay this way, stay suspended. but my lungs were screaming for air so i let myself drift to the top. when i surfaced i saw matty do the same.
"that was so fun" he confessed pulling closer to him. my legs wrapped around his waist and i rested my forehead on his. our lips found there way together and he slowly drifted towards the stairs. my legs stayed wrapped around his torso as he carried me out of the water, dripping at and his lips still locked on mine, to sofa in the living room. he gently put me down and began kissing down my neck towards my boobs, i pulled the soaking bralette off my body to mattys liking. he let his hands trail to my underwear, his fingers tracing my slit. i moaned into his ear biting softly
"mm matty" i began to plan him through his underwear getting him worked up more
"you okay to go?" i nodded, i needed him now. he took my panties off slowly whereas i pulled his calvin's off needing him now
"slowly baby"
"i cant i need you" ,he chuckled
"you have me gracey"

an hour later we were showered and ready to sleep, the clock read 11:30. i. couldn't believe my birthday was nearly over. i also couldn't believe this was my birthday. i say on the bed waiting for matty. he went down stairs about 20 minutes ago but wouldn't tell me why or how long he would be.
i started to think he'd gotten lost.
"matty?" i called from the bedroom, i heard no reply, then bare footsteps coming up the stairs. he appeared in the doorway with a birthday cake lit with nineteen candles sticking out.
"happy birthday" he began singing the whole song, i didn't want it to end his voice was so beautiful
"make a wish" he said. i closed my eyes and wished as hard as i could for everything to stay like this

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now