and now i think its okay

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the calm after the storm you could say. i passed out on the sofa with gemma leaning on my thigh. george was sprawled in the corner. it looked like a house party.
it wasn't.

the aftermath of my daughter first birthday was us all passed out and i couldn't help but laugh.

i shook gemma awake

"mmm" she mumbled

"what the fuck happened last night?" i giggled

she laughed and rubbed her eyes before taking s look around

"oh my god"

"right?" i laughed

"what actually happened?" she asked

"no clue"

i looked at me and gemma, me still in my cluess dress and gemma still in her black bodycon dress. our hair was a mess and i felt like i slept funny on my neck. i got up and the wave of hungover hit me like a brick of walls.

i walked into rose's room to see matty sat cradling her, he smiled as her saw me come on and i sat my self on the floor as i watched him

"hey" he whispered softly


"good night?"

"what happened?" i asked

"it want a wild night, you all had one bottle of red wine and passed out dead asleep"

"oh" i said shocked

"one?" i repeated, he nodded

"i really am a mum now"

he laughed at this, it was nice, he put rose back down to sleep and opened his arms for me. i got off the floor fell into his arms feeling instantly at home with him

"mm" i mumbled

"this is nice" he said kissing the top of my head

i looked at him with wide eyes

"it is"

"what's time did everybody else leave?" i asked

"uhhh, my mum went around 10, dad at the same time, your parents left with kian and lewis at half past and adam, ross and carly at like one in the morning"

rose out stretched her hand in order for us to hold it, she was growing so much these days and i couldn't believe she was only one. i gave her my two fingers and she cradled them in her tiny little fingers. matty watched as i did this, he was looking at me so intently like he never wanted to let me go. i felt the exact same way

"we should make them all breakfast" matty suggested

"yeah, gemma's passed out on your sofa and george is in the corner"

"he ... he didn't go to his room?"

"no he he didn't haha" i laughed

"fucking idiot"

he turned to rose

"would you like some breakfast?"

she nodded her head and her arms seemed to clap

"mummy do you want some breakfast?" he asked me

"yes!" i replied

"let's go then!" he said excited so rose got excited.

i really couldn't want another life, this was perfect. we all got up, rose crawling behind us and walked to the kitchen. george has began to stir and was now sat on his phone, gemma was still knocked out on the sofa. she looked so small right now, i blacked the sofa throw over her body and hoped she was okay.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now