loving from a lake

616 12 1

1st of may - 29 days until tour


*incoming call from matty*

i groaned turning over to face my phone, as soon as i saw his name flash up i smiled.

"morning" i said answering the call
"you ready?"
"it's 10 am i'm barely up"
"love you too matty"
"get dressed!!"
"on it!"
"oh yeah and grace?"
"love you" i smiled ending the call and hopping out of bed. i headed to my wardrobe. i pulled out a light denim washed skirt, white tank top, my old school vans and mattys leather jacket. simple makeup, brows, false lashes and concealer. with that i was out of the door.
"bye!" i yelled to my mum and kian

"hey lover boy" i said winking at him as i got into the drivers side of the car
"is that my jacket?"
"looks good on you"
"thankyou, now enlighten me. what are we doing?" he tapped his nose
"secret" he backed out fo the drove way and down the road. putting on an old cd music drown the car, it was a hot day so i rolled the window down and let my hair fly out. i truly felt at peace with life.
"yes babe?"
"love you"
"love you!" those words felt so good to say. especially in this heat. we drove for about half an hour before the car came to a stop near a dirt road. huh? matty. got out of the car and opened the boot. i got out of the car to inspect what was going on, he had a larger picnic basket in his hand and a massive grin on his face.
"oh matty"
"we have a walk to the spot but i promise it's perfect" i smiled as i intertwined my hand with his. he locked the car and shoved the keys into his pocket. we began to walk up the dirt track soon finding a hidden grassy area, he later down a checkered blanket and then the basket. the weather was perfect. items by items he unpacked the food
"is that ross' vegan lasagna?"
"it is indeed, just for you"
"oh matty" i said practically knocking him to the ground and showering him with kisses
"oi don't ruin the spread i've got going on"
"sorry" i giggled looking at him with glassy eyes
"let's eat babe" so we did. vegan lasagna, fruit salad with beautiful rosé to wash it all down. matty didn't have any, he stuck to lemonade because he was driving. yet another small thing that made me smile. he didn't even have a sip and i knew rosé was his favourite. man i loved him.
after we ate he pulled out a book,
"this is my favourite book gracey and i'm. gonna read you a passage" i settled down, my head on his lap, legs tucked underneath myself and arms playing with the grass. as he spoke, his velvet voice filling my ears i smiled. the way he spoke, so articulated, so beautifully, i realised how lucky i was to have him.
"that was beautiful matty" i said once he finished. it was sunset now.
"wow" i breathed
"wow indeed" he said
i stood and walked to the edge, to watch more closely. he followed holding me, kissing my neck slowly.
"we should go" he said
"i know but i don't want to"
"come on baby let's get you home"
we packed up the basket and began our decent to the car, it was colder now.
"i miss you and the boys"
"we miss you"
i started out of the window, watching the world wiz past me.
"why don't you move in until we leave for tour?"
"really?" i sat upright in my seat with glee.
"yes gracey i don't see why not"
"matty i want nothing more"
"it's settled then"
i looked at matty a lot when he drove, the way he concentrated so hard, his knuckles turning white. i realised he was as affected as me and george.
"it's okay" i whispered
"what is?"
"i feel safe with you" and i meant it
"i just want to always make sure you're okay"
"i don't think you can matty. but i trust you"
i saw his knuckles loosen a little so they weren't as tight. i breathed out relaxing.
"you're good for george"
"it's good, he opens up to you. he speaks to me and the boys about it but i know it's not the same. we didn't know her the exact way you did"
"do you miss her matty?"
"i do gracey" he said pulling into a layover. once we stopped he turned to face me.
"the night before she died, we spoke about you"
"oh" was all i could muster
"she talked about how happy she was you met when you were so long. she said you kept her safe and sane and she loved you. she also cried a lot because you deserved more. she loved you so much gracey" at this point full sobs were emerging. we sat for a couple of minutes, just holding eachother before i said
"thankyou matty"
"let's go home" he said
"i think that's best"
"she would be happy for you, and she would be so, so proud" matty said, i nodded, i knew he was right

we pulled up outside my house 20 minutes later and i kissed him on the cheek.
"10 minutes" i said. i didn't have to ask him to wait anymore. i knew he would.
i unlocked the house door and went inside, my mum and kian were sat on the sofa
"hey grace" kian said
"hey gracey" my mum added
"the boys have asked me to move in until tour, that way everything will work smoother" kian looked sad but then smiled
"they're good for you gracey" my mum nodded in agreement
"go, you deserve some happiness" i hugged them both before running to my room, once again unpacking dirty items, getting another suitcase down. i packed all the clothes in my wardrobe, all my shoes, all my bags and makeup. i looked at my room, it looked empty without my bags flung everywhere. i smiled and turned off the light. time for a new beginning. i said goodbye to my mum and kian again before walking out to the car. matty. got out and helped me lift my bags into the back. once we were in the car
"home time" he said, i couldn't help but smile. i really loved him. and it was time to live.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now