learning again

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everything went back. i started to take my anti depressants. the days were shorter again. i slept until 5pm and slept at 8am. college was a no go. lia and george started dating, they always came to see me. ross would always be cooking me vegan meals and adam would always watch at least one chick flick a week with me.
matty didn't disappear. intact the opposite. i refused to let him see me, i couldn't. not until i sorted myself out. but he called me twice a day and would always sing me songs.
everything went back. but nothing was the same.

*2 months later, march*

*phone ringing*
"hey grace i know it's 5 am but i know your not asleep"
"sh sh sh, u need you to come outside. like i NEED you to"
"hang on" i said before i hung up the phone. i pulled my white converse on and my nike hoodie over my white shorts. sneaking  past kian and my mum and dads room i snuck out of the door and into the cold air.

mattys eyes widened when he saw me,
"hey" he said softly
"you look tired" i shrugged
"i haven't been sleeping well"
"look not to sound rude but what do you want matty?"
"i, i wanted to sing you a song gracey"
i inhaled sharply an wiped away a tear
"sh sh sh, just listen yeah"
he pulled his acoustic guitar out and positioned himself against the wall, with the first few quiet strums he announced
"this song is called robbers"
"she had a face straight outta magazine"
it safe to say i cried, once he finished he looked at me
"did you like it?"
"matty, i loved it, it's so so beautiful"
he smiled at me with his crooked teeth.
"come back to college"
"i am, tomorrow actually ... or i guess today"
we let the silence settle between us
"how are you though matty?"
"i'm struggling honestly, my mum isn't doing too well, i cut gabby off completely, i love her but she wasn't what i needed. the band and you is all i've got. and i haven't seen you for two months"
"i'm sorry, about your mum about gabby; i'm sorry for everything" he shrugged
"s'not your fault"
"i know but ... i've missed you honestly"
"you let the other boys see you"
"i don't like them like i like you"
he moved closer, the cold air surrounded us and i shivered
"you cold?" he said already taking off his leather jacket
"here" he said placing it on my shoulders
i smiled at him. he shuffled closer one again, stroking my hair and wiping my face where the tears fell earlier. he moved his head closer before resting his forehead on mine.
"i cant fuck this up"
"we both are fucked up matty"
"i know"
we stayed there for a while, holding eachother. i got up to move before he pulled me back, our lips colliding, fighting for dominance. slow yet passionate. something i'd been waiting for since the night i met him. two months of falling. not seeing eachother. our only contact scribbled letters and voicemails.
"wow" i said pulling away, he grinned flicking his hair back
"you've no idea how long i've waited for that"
pushing him slightly i laughed looking at the clock on my phone.
"what?" he said sparking up a cigarette, god he looked so cool.
"it's half 7, we should be leaving for college"
"shit" he mumbled not caring
"mattttyy" i whined
"go get ready, i'll wait"
"you sure?"
i hoped off the wall and into my room, briefly stopping in the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
i stepped out of the bathroom and bumped into kian
"you alright kid?"
"yep! i'm going to college today. i'm feeling a little better"
"i love you and i'm proud of you gracey"
walking to my room i picked up a white knitted sweater and my black denim skirt. slipping my tights on i grabbed my mac and shoved it into my brown shoulder bag. ready.
"bye!" i shouted down the hall. running down the stairs and out the door i saw matty. exactly where i left him. waiting. waiting for me.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now