but if they make it

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10th of june, 6 days before lollapalooza paris

mattys pov


me and george had the studio booked today, i had a song to record, and i had an idea. i kissed graces head softly before scrawling a note and placing it on the pillow next to her

i will be back soon, i just have some errands to run. if you get hungry the room service number is by the door and i've already put some water in the fridge for you. love you x

smiling and pulling on my doc martins i slid out of the door to be greeted by my 6ft best friend.
"hey mate" he said nodding
we walked down to lobby and into the taxi, speeding towords the studio. as soon as we arrived george flopped down on the mixing desk and asked

"so .. your idea?" , i chuckled
"how do you know i have one?" i tested
"mate ain't no way you called me here for nothing" he laughed
"right well, i was thinking .. the new album should be called, i like it when you sleep"
"i like it" george said
"but?" i asked
"i dunno it feels half finished" he confessed, i nodded
"what else then?"
"i'm not sure mate, but it's a good start and we will definitely keep that" , i smiled at him while he jotted the idea down on a spare piece of paper.
"and the other idea?" he asked. i grinned at him

graces pov

i woke to the sun pouring through the hotel room, looking around i saw a crumpled piece of paper, reading over it i smiled. i got out of bed and grabbed the water from the fridge. i checked over my phone and decided on calling carly

"hey babe" she rang down the phone
"hey carls"
"everything okay?" she asked concerned
"i'm fine! just missing you"
"babes i miss YOU" she giggled
"what are we thinking for lolla outfits?" i aksed
"well .. i'm wearing a dress i THINK but it's a surprise for when i get there"
"mines a surprise too then" i giggled
"ugh i cant wait to see you again graceeeee"
"me neither" i told her
"i should go but i will see you super super soon!"
"love you" i told her
"love YOU" she said ending the call, i smiled. talking to carly always made me happy.

i rustled through my case looking for a book to read, i eventually found one
"everything happens for a reason" the title read, i had a funny feeling i wouldn't agree with it. i took my bottle of water and a snack of strawberries onto the balcony, sitting cross legged on the floor i smiled opening my book.

after a couple hours of reading i sighed and walked back inside setting the book down, i ordered a plate of chips upto my room, once it arrived i turned netflix on and settled down on the bed. i flicked through a couple movies beige deciding i should text kian

new text to kian

grace: hey! i miss u and hope ur ok x
kian: miss u 2 kid
grace: how is everything
kian: it's ok, not the same without u
grace: sorry
kian: are u happy?
grace: i couldn't b happier

i meant it, i couldn't be happier. i had everything i could want. u got to se met boys perform, i got to see their faces light up. i it to travel, i got to be with the man i loved most. i was having a baby with him, nothing could top this.

2 hours later

"hey baby i'm home!" matty said coming through the hotel door
"matty!" i squealed running to him
"miss me?" he joked
"of course i did!" i said glad he was back.
"i think we are doing a meal with the boys tonight, you up for it?" he asked me
"of course i am! i feel like i haven't seen them in ages but i saw them yesterday!" , he laughed
"what have you done all day then?" he asked as we moved to the balcony so he could light a cigarette up.
"i read"
"you read what?"
"everything happens for a reason" , he laughed at this
"and .. it .. confusion" i sighed
"you didn't agree?" he asked
"no and yes" i said confidently. his head dropped and he laughed
"only you"

by five we were both ready, he had checkered black and white pants on with a black t-shirt and Chelsea boots. i had skinny black jeans on, off the shoulder lace red top and vans old school. he smiled linking his arm in mine

"we look good" he said confidently, i laughed looking at us in the mirror
"we do healy"
"are we gonna be them parents?" he asked
"then parents?"
"yeah them ones who looks super good all the time" he laughed
"well, yes matty i guess we are" , his face lit up like a child
"i don't care if we are, i just hope we are good parents"
"we will be okay" i said grabbing his face and pulling him towords me, as soon as our lips crashed the door swung open and ross announced
"oh no sex at dinner"
"i agree with ross" george said laughing
"shutup you too" adam scolded. i pulled matty out the door and we all walked towords the restaurant, joking the whole way.

once we arrived we all settled into a booth, i next to matty, and the boys on the other side. we all ordered food and while we were waiting george cleared his throat
"matty?" he asked
"yes george?" he said coyly. i was confused at first then george nodded to him
"grace ..?" , my heart dropped.
"i have something to tell you" he confessed
"yes?" i asked terrified
"i wrote a song about you today, well and something else" , my heart exploded and my arms flung around his neck
"matty" i sobbed into his shoulder
"you don't get to hear until the album comes out" he said, i pouted but giggled
"i can wait" i told him.
the boys all beamed at me like they know it was coming
"i love you guys" i told them all, they all made awww noises. i was content

later that evening

we were walking back to the hotel, tonight was good. i knew for the next couple days i'd be by myself because the boys had to practise hard, carly would be coming soon and i knew denise and louis were due. i smiled. i had my own little family right now.

"you okay?" george asked while matty, ross and adam were in deep conversation. i wrapped my arms around my waist and nodded
"yeah .. i think i am. are you?" i asked him
"i think i might be" he said
"we won't ever forget her will we?" i didn't need to mention her name, he knew
"of course we won't gracie" he said pulling me into a tight hug

after our walk back to the hotel and when we were inside our room i asked matty
"what's the other thing? you said a song and another thing?" , he tapped his noise and winked
"sorry kid, that's for another time"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now