18 wont last forever

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15th of may - 15 days until tour- 5 days until graces birthday

when i woke up me and matty were nothing but tangled bodies on the sofa. he was awake first, hunched over his notebook once again, scribbling words i would never see. maybe i was okay with it? i like to think i was.
"morning" he whispered his eyes facing me instead of his words
"morning" i said stretching a little
"sleep well?"
the best i told him and i wasn't lying. we had gone to bed with all our truths laid bare. i felt good because we were good. he chuckled and moved closer to me, his hands wondering my hips
"no" i breathed into his lips
"george is right there"
"true, true very true" he laughed before plunging into my lips and then pulling away.
"coffee?" it made me smile how he remembered little things like the fact i hated tea
"yes please" i smiled. as he got of the sofa i looked at him. he was wearing calvin klein joggers with no top. he'd got skinnier and he looked even paler. fuck. i had to keep in mind he was sick and recovering.
"talk to me about paris matty" he chuckled from the kitchen. i walked in and sat and the island once more.
"paris, paris is beautiful"
"i want to see it so badly" i pouted
" 15 days " i sighed
"15 days and you'll be stood under the Eiffel tower"
"i'm so excited" i confessed
"me too" pouring two tea's and a coffee he called george into the living room. ross and adam were coming round later, i'd missed them in the craziness.
"i'm up stop yelling you scrawny fucker"
"fuck off" matty said playfully
"mornin" he said nodding at me
"morning george" it was weird, george was now my bestfriend and mattys. the dynamic was perfect but also strange. matty and george as bestfriends smoked and drank, me and gekrge as bestfriends drank, cried and went out.
"the boys comin round today then?"
"yeah they are mate, gotta speak about shit"
"what?" the both asked
"i said i'd meet kian today"
"idiot you had me worried" said george
"that's fine, go and then you can see the boys after" matty suggested
"i'm gonna go get ready then. love you both"
i walked into mattys en-suite before stepping into the warm shower. the warm water surrounded me, engulfed me. as i stepped out i applied some makeup, brows, false lashes and some bronzer. clothes. i had no clue. in the end i picked black denim pinafore dress and paired it with a white jumper. i pulled on some tights and my docs before grabbing my small shoulder bag and shoving the essentials in. perfume, lipgloss and money.
"you wanna take my car?" asked matty. i didn't drive since after lia. maybe it was time? after all i had my licence.
"yes actually!" they both grinned at me.
"GO ON KID!" yelled george egging me on
"walk me down?" i pouted at matty
"obviously" he grabbed the keys off the counter and threw them at me. i caught them with a smile. we walked hand in hand down into the lobby where leon smiled and nodded. then down into the parking lot where i got into the car and matty kissed my head and said
"drive safe. love you"
"love you" i said before he shut he door and waved me off. i put the car into gear and drove away. driving was easy, it was navigating the people around me that was hard.

20 minutes later

i pulled up in my drive. the house looked different. i. walked to the door and knocked.
"hey" kian said opening the door
"i've missed you" i said hugging him tightly
"me too kid" i walked inside the house, the scent i grew up with hit me in the face. i was home. but it felt distant now? my home was with natty and george. i knew i was home but i felt strange.
"you okay?" kian asked
"yeah it's just weird" he nodded
"i know, the house it isn't the same without you here"
"that's sweet comin from you" he laughed
"i'm serious, even mum misses you"
"so gracey the day is yours ... what are we doing today kiddo?"

2 hours later ... 3pm

"GRACE SHUSHHH" kian replied, just as loud might i add.
"you two are going to have to leave im afraid" the clerk at the cinema declared
"sorry mate" kian grinned. grabbing our coats and bags we hurried out to be greeted by the cold air. i fell against the pavement laughing
"AAAAAA" i screamed in his face. we sat down and caught our breath
"fuckin hell" kian finally said
"man i've missed this ki"
"me too"
"don't go away again like that gracey i missed you"
"i missed you kian"
"where too next?" he asked
"no clue"
"we could go back to mattys apartment? have a drink?" he looked conflicted for a moment
"yeah i'd like that" he said.
"ross and adam are there too"
"it's fine me and adam use to be mates back in the day anyway"
"back in the day" i said laughing
"shutup and let's go" he said as we jumped into mattys black range rover

"nice car" he commented
"you saw it an hour ago"
"i know but .. nice"
"it's mattys"
"gathered" it felt tense, which was strange our relationship had always been easy. i pulled up to mattys apartment block and kian look confused. i drove into the parking lot and into mattys allocated space. next to george's bmw. i swear his jaw dropped.
"cmon" i said taking the key out. we walked up to the lobby, past leon
"hey leon"
"hey gracey, hey .. ?"
"this is my brother kian!"
"yeah hey" he said staring in awh at the marble floored lobby. we went into the lift and leon pulled a confused face, i shrugged at him stifling a laugh. we walked up to 102 i put the key in the door and yelled
"IM HOMEEEEE" to be greeted by matty flying at me, lifting me up and kissing me repeatedly. once he realised kian was here he put me down and shook his hand
"long time mate" kian took his hand and replied
"yeah yeah" matty looked at me then back at kian
"you wanna beer mate?"
"nah i actually should get going"
"want me to take you?" i asked
"ahh nah i'll uber, thanks guys, seeya later sis" he said as he left, letting the door slam
"the fuck?" george asked
"grace?" matty said
"yeah?" i asked shell shocked
"you good?"
"i ... i don't know? what was that?"
"fuck that" george said running out of the door and i'm guessing to kian. i didn't stop him.
"grace?grace?" matty said waving his hand in front of my face
"sorry i just" i didn't finish because he pulled me in tightly, stoking my hair tenderly
"it's okay, i know"
george came back in with a defeated look.
"i don't know man he's ... i don't know" i shrugged
"it's okay, thanks"
"why don't we have a movie night?" matty suggested
"no it's okay, you guys hang out with ross and adam"
"grace if you think we are gonna let you be alone right now" adam said
"i'm making the veggie lasagna and you're watching a movie" ross added. i smiled
"i love you guys"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now