and we didnt mean to

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rose was crying, we were moving today and setting off in two hours and she was already awake and screaming the house down. i couldn't find her blanket she slept with, i'm so sure i put it in a box

"sh sh sh rose please i'm trying" i cried

"oh god" i said on my hands and knees sorting through all the boxes. there were so many it could literally be anywhere at this point

matty came in through the door with tousled hair and sleepy eyes

"i didn't mean to wake you" i whispered

"sh it's okay babe" he said squatting down beside me to riffle through the boxes

"babe?" he said

"mmh" i said not really paying attention as my flicks was on making else go back to sleep as soon as possible

"if your looking for the blanket it's on the windowsill"


"here" he said reaching for the blanket that was placed on the windowsill while i sat with my head in my hands

"god sake"

"sh it's okay" he said helping me off the floor and back into bed

"oi" i whispered as he began to leave me room

"stay with me" i asked moving to the other side of my bed so he could get in

he did. he lifted the covers and slid beneath them, we were face to face. this felt true, in our whole relationship i'd never felt as close to him as i did now. i my hand found his and my head found his chest. we were exactly where i wanted to be

"grace" he whispered


"this is good" he said

"this is very good" i said before falling asleep

the next morning

i woke up with my head still rested on mattys chest, he was awake and looking at me,
rose was thankfully still asleep

"morning darling" he said, those words turned me to butter

"morning" i said stretching my legs

"i should get up" i mumbled

"i've got it" he said getting up before me

"before i do though" he said, i was confused until his hands found my face and our lips connected

"i like morning matty" i giggled from beneath his lips

"and i like you"


we were about to leave but i wanted to look round the apartment one last time, there were some major memories in here. rose had grown up for a good 7 months here.

me and gemma had cried in every single room, we had fixed our selves and learned that we are strong here. also we found ourselves, she learned that she wanted to be free and i learned to be my own person.

i ran my fingers over the countertops in the kitchen, i remembered me and gemma cooking pasta because neither of us could cook, we learned eventually but it took months.

i walked to where the sofa use to be, it was gemma's but she said i could have it so it had already been sent to my new flat. i saw the indents in the floor from where the legs were and i couldn't help but smile. we were here.

i walked to the door to see matty already in his black range rover with rose strapped into the back safely, i took one last look around, taking it all in. i'd found myself, found my best friend here. i couldn't believe i was leaving manchester. i wouldn't ever forget it, it was the city that fixed me when everything seemed hopeless.

i shut the door and turned the key for the last time.

manchester was the place i would always remain, i would never forget it. but i came here to be free, london was where my heart was, i missed the buzz of the city and all the city lights.

i climbed in the car beside matty kissing him as i did, he turned over the ignition. he'd already taken my car back a couple weeks ago and got the train back to manchester

"matty?" i asked as we were on the motorway


"this is it right? we are gonna be okay now?"

he smiled at me, one hand on the steering wheel and one on my thigh

"we are gonna be better than okay babe, it's you and me against it all. and this time i promise you, i got you"

i smiled as we headed faster back to london. it was time for a new beginning. i want moving in with matty, i wanted my own space until we were definitely sure everything was going to work, but i hoped we would live together soon. i just, i didn't want to hurt anymore and i had a good feeling it would be okay.

"so, george is gonna be here tonight, at the welcome back party"

"i know it doesn't make sense for me to forgive you and not him, i just, he was meant to be my best friend and he knew"

"i don't think he meant to hurt you" matty said

"i know"

"he saw how much you went through with loosing lia and i don't think he thought you could endure anymore pain"

"i don't think i can now, ive hit the limit of heartbreak you can at 19"

"well you won't be going through anymore"

we were nearly in london now, i just watched the world go by as rose was still quiet in the back.

we were heading to a party, grown by the boys and jamie for matty and rose. not me. but of course matty wanted me to come as we were back together and all. i was gonna go, i AM gonna go ... i'm just scared. i still haven't faced denise, matty has, he took rose to a cute place in manchester where denise met them. i stayed home and was "sick"

i didn't know if i could handle denise after everything, she'd blame me for what happened between me and matty and i didn't have the effort to fight her anymore

"babe?" matty asked


"we are home"

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now