for you babe

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"i uh, i .. come in it's freezing out there" i said while rubbing my arms to show the breeze was cold, matty smiled and looking at the door frame before stepping inside with his docs.

"sorry um i'm a bit early"

"it's fine" i mumbled

"kian not in?" he asked

"nah he just left with lewis" i told him, his face clouded and i think he thought lewis was my boyfriend

"lewis" he repeated

"his boyfriend" i laughed before turning and walking to the living room. i heard a slight

behind me as i continued walking.

i gestured to the sofa before we both sat down, he ruffled his hair with his pale hands, i took this time to study the rings that had appeared on his fingers. his style hasn't changed much, he just looked ... older.

"tea?" i asked, he shook his head and cleared his throat

"i think we should discuss everything" he said

"that's why we are here" i joked trying to keep the mood light, he smiled a little

"i miss you" he said in a small voice while he looked at his hands placed on his lap. i moved closer to him and put rested my hand on his

"it's okay" i whispered, his eyes met mine. i saw them go wide and his mouth half opened like he wanted to say something.

"so um george said you got a place at uni?" he asked moving his hands away from my and jerking slightly. i was taken back but what did i expect?

"uh yeah! i'm gonna take um business in september" , matty looked at me and pride swallowed him whole

"you deserve it"

i think we were both massively tiptoeing around the fact we were truly here. if we felt with it right now then it became real. as much i was wanted this baby ... it was happening too fast

"so we should probably start discussing things right?" i said thinking aloud

"yeah. um i mean i have some ideas .. have you?" , matty saying this took me back, i had nothing previously planned. i mean, thoughts sure but ideas?no

"yeah i mean i have a couple yeah" , matty smiles before laughing

"darling, i can read your face like the back of my hand" , i felt myself blushing. i don't know wether it was at the use of darling or because he had caught me in a lie

"you've caught me!" i said putting my hands in the air

"i've not really thought about it" i added

"that's alright that's why we are here"

2hours later

"okay so term time etc we can work around when school needs to be thought about" i said

"yep and for the mean time i'll just stay with you for the first couple months and then we will go from there" matty said with a grin on his face

"i'm glad we sorted it and .. easily?" i laughed, his face dropped

"EASY? Baby we have been here for two hours"

"i'm exhausted after that!" i admitted

"me too" he laughed between yawns

"i'm just gonna put some comfier clothes on i'll be two secs" i yelled from my room

i picked out some black little shorts that were starting to become too tight to wear, alongside a off the shoulder white knitted jumper. i kept my socks on because the wooden floor was a little cold to the touch.

"matty?" i called

"yeah?" he said wondering into my room, he smiled when he saw all the pictures around it, me and the boys, me and kian, some of lia

"uh do you wanna get some food or something or something i mean we don't have to if you have to leave but" i babbled all at once

"i'd love to" he said cutting me off, i sighed and relaxed

"youre pick what we're having" i told matty, he grinned at me pushing his curls back

"you ALWAYS make me pick" he groaned

"pleeeeasssse" i pouted
this was a weird postition to be in, me and my ex having dinner? i guess matty would soon be around a lot more ... i didn't have a choice but to get use to it. it's not that i didn't like it, i just missed how we use to be. i'm insanely proud of us through working through our issues and putting our child first, i just can't help but feel i miss having him in the way i did

"thinking bout me?" matty called our dragging me from my dream, i smiled sweetly

"you know it"

"how do you feel about pizza?" he asked

"pizzas great" i nodded, he smiled before ordering it on his phone

"done done done! should be here in annnnnn hour"

"good because i am STARVING!" i declared giggling

"you excited for next week then?" matty asked. next week was the week we found out the sex of the baby

"i am, i am but i also don't care. as long as it's healthy and happy. that's all i can ask for"

"don't worry" he said pulling me into a hug, he smelled of home, our noses met and mouths inches, i saw his lips part before i pulled away

"we cant" i breathed

"we-" matty protested but before he could finish i pulled him towards me and kissed him softly, our lips crashing together like we'd been starved of intimacy. his hands found my waist and mine worked their way up to his hair. he pulled me onto his lap and began kissing my neck roughly taking care to make sure i was okay with every step

"mmm" i moaned into his ear as he continued

"gr- grace?" he asked

"mmh" i said not wanting him to stop

"i don't wanna do it like this" he sighed resting a final kiss on my forehead. i knew he was right

"i- yeah" i giggled

he kissed my forehead once more before ruffling his hair

"i'm going for a smoke, i'll be back"

my fingers lingered in his hand until only our fingertips were touching, his eyes gleamed

"promise?" i asked


matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now