holding on

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mattys pov

after rose's party i'd decided that i should hang out with the boys like we use to, id been busy with rose and grace lately that we hadn't really seen one another. not that i regretted spending so much time with rose and grace, i loved them so much.

there was talk of a third album by our record label but we knew we would do it when we were ready.

we all had separate stuff going on right now, me and rose and grace, george with caroline, adam with carly and rose with his dog.

gemma was still living at our place, i knew her boyfriend was coming over one night to meet grace, i couldn't tell wether i was gonna be there or if they wanted me to make myself scarce. i could understand if they did. obviously.

adam had called us al to his flat for a get together and that's the main reason we were here, i secretly hoped carly wouldn't be here even though that was selfish. i didn't like her for still being friends with gabby. i knew i couldn't stop her and it wasn't my place to say but i didn't like it. she knew what gabby was like because i'd seen her manipulate carly but she still stayed.

"how was it mate?" ross asked me

"it was good, i'm so glad you all came" i beamed at the boys

"you know we've always got you" adam said

george was sat across the room in the armchair thinking away to himself, i could tell he was thinking because he pulled a face

"oi george what you thinking?"

"it's weird you two haven't moved in together yet"

i nodded, i was about to hit georhe with a bombshell that he would be angry with me for keeping

"well, we are actually, her lease is up soon, she only had a couple months in that flat because it was for work, so she's living here"

"she's coming back" george said, his face lit up and he seemed so happy

"yeah george about that" i said

"don't you dare ask me to move out" he said sitting up straight in his chair

"i'm not! but rose might wake you sometimes and you're not allowed to complain"

he relaxed back into the chair and put his arms beneath his head as if he was going to sleep

"fucking idiot i love that kid, she can scream the house down if she wants"

"give it two days and george will be on my couch" ross joked

"nah i give it a week" said adam

"you're both on because i give it 5 days" i said joining in with the bet that had been made

"well sorry to disappoint i'm around like a bad smell" george said

"is that a good thing?" ross questioned

"alright ross shutup"

this was nice, i'd missed the boys like this. there had been tension ever since rehab and me getting fully clean. we were okay now though

"gemma's still here?" ross asked

"yeah she's staying for a while until she goes travelling again"

"and how's that?" adam asked

"okay actually, me and gemma talked some shit out in the first few weeks of rose being born, she hates me but she's willing to let some of it go for rose and grace"

"when's she going travelling again?" ross asked

"couple weeks ... we are meeting her boyfriend first"

"i'm glad she met someone" ross said

"me too, she deserves a happy ending" , i didn't care how cliche i sounded, i put her through hell and i wanted nothing but for her to get what she wanted now.

"she is so strong" george commented

"yeah she is" i said

3 hours later

once me and the boys had eaten and i'd decided i should get home to grace

"i should go boys" i said slapping my knees

"i'll be about 30 mins yeah?" george asked

"where you going?" adam questioned him


"oooooo" ross sang tormenting him

"right i'll see you at home then, drive safe" i told george as he headed to his car

"seeya matty" ross said hugging me

"bye mate" i said hugging adam

once i reached my car i decided i would call grace, it had been a long day and i hadn't spoke to her since this morning. honestly? i missed her so much

*phone to grace*

"heya" she sang

"hey baby, i'm on my way home now" i said as the car slipped into gear

"good we missed you didn't we rose?" i heard a gurgling at the end of the phone

"i missed my girls"

"i'll start moving everything tomorrow if that's okay?" she asked

"that's fine darling" i couldn't believe how civilised we were now, it took us a long time to get to this place and i was glad that we had arrived now

"i've got work the day after is all so i wanna get it all done"

"that's fine grace seriously"

"i love you" she said

"i love you"

"drive safe?"

"always grace" i said as she ended the call and switched on the radio.

i let my mind think about all the times i thought we were over, i'd messed up so many times but not this time. she was moving in, i had other plans that she didn't know about yet and our baby girl was happy and healthy.

this was the life i'd always wanted but was too scared of, i'd messed it up either gemma and for that i was sorry.

but this was the one thing i'd got right in life so far, the band was an achievement and i loved it but it wasn't the same as this. this was my own little family, the boys are my family too and i love them all. but this is my chance to start again, i brought a little life into the world and it's up to us to raise her the best we can.

driving home to my girls.

my family.

man that felt nice to say.

matty healy, falling in love over nightWhere stories live. Discover now