Allergic Reaction To Injections

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This is for southerngirl212 hope you like this one ❤️💚💙💖💕

Rachel's POV
"honey nothing bad will happen. I promise" my boyfriend, Liam said pressing a kiss to my forehead. I pouted "how can you be so sure?" I asked. "babe cmon we've been through this procedure so many times" my brother Harry said rubbing my shoulder. "but I don't like getting shots" I said as my eyes teared up. Louis smiled sadly at me "it's best to get it over with... Isn't it?" I looked down "isn't it Rachel" I sighed and nodded slowly "yes" I responded quietly. "nothing bad will happen" my other brother, niall said pressing a kiss to my forehead.

At doctors office

As we walked into the office I really wanted to run but I knew I couldn't. Zayn's and Harry's hold on my hands were tight. "do we really have to do this?" I asked. "yes honey" I pouted and squeezed Harry's hand tightly. "yes we're here to see Dr Howard" louis said smiling. I gulped anxiously and looked around already planning my escape route. "oh well... He is ready for you now!" the receptionist said, a big smile on her face. I gave her the best 'save my life now!' look but all she did was smile. "guys I don't feel well" I said trying to get out of this horrible situation. "well it's good we're at the doctors then isn't it" Liam said smiling at me. "b-but I-I don't want the doctor catching anything" I said nervously. They completely ignored me and Harry just pulled me into the room. My breathing grew heavier and I looked around anxiously.

As we waited silently zayn caught on to my nervousness and he wrapped an arm around me before placing a kiss on the side of my forehead. "you're fine babe" he comforted. I sighed before closing my eyes and breathing heavily. "hello. I'm Dr Howard but please call me Lewis" he stuck his hand out and I slowly shook it. "she's very nervous" Harry spoke up smiling slightly. "ah that's normal. Don't you worry OK sweetheart" I nodded slightly. "ok the nurse did your weight, height, lungs and breathing right?" I froze so Liam nodded and smiled "yes she did" Lewis nodded "ok... So it says here you need to have four Injections" I nodded anxiously and watched as he slipped on the gloves slowly. "do you need your big brother to hold you on his lap?" niall asked rubbing my back softly. My eyes teared up and I smiled but nodded slowly. Niall pulled me onto his lap and held my hands whilst rubbing them to try and comfort me. I looked at my brothers then to Liam worriedly.

As Lewis picked up a needle my breathing got worse and I tried to get up but niall just held me down. He whispered sweet nothings into my ears. "ok hon sharp pinch in 3" the injection slipped in and man did it sting! I cringed and bit my bottom lip. He did the same technique for the three other Injections. "there we go. You did so well!" niall rubbed my sore arms softly. I smiled slightly at the doctor before laying my head back on niall's shoulder. About ten minutes later I began noticing how bad my breathing had gotten. I looked down and noticed a red rash going all the way down my arms. My throat was itchy and my eyes were watering. As the boys talked quietly I completely forgot niall was holding me so I began silently crying causing me to flinch. "babe? Rachel?" I froze. "Jesus christ!" he exclaimed as he looked at my arms. "guys? I think Rachel's having an allergic Reaction" that got the boys attention and liam rushed out to get the doctor and the other boys rushed around me. I gripped my throat tightly as soft sobs came out but me coughing and crying hurt my throat and eyes. Lewis rushed in and he saw me before he began rummaging through a box. He pulled out an epi pen before shaking it and pushing it into my shoulder. I cried out in pain before settling down again as he pulled the needle out. Liam knelt down in front of me looking concerned. He pressed his lips onto my hand and Harry rubbed my arm softly. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks but zayn was there to wipe them away.

As the tingling feeling went away I cuddled closer to niall whilst closing my eyes. "she's much better so she can go home" Lewis said. The boys said thank you to him and niall picked me up. "Li" I whispered. Liam took me from niall's arms before holding me tightly. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too" he said pressing a kiss to my lips. "sleep tight baby girl"

Hope you liked this one ❤️💕💖💙💚

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