Calum Hurt

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This is for @emxly0912I I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💓💓💜💜💞💞🥰🥰😘😘

Emily's POV
As I was working on my last shift of the night I noticed two concerned young men run in there faces covered in sweat then another young man ran in with a body in his arms. My eyes widen and I rush up to them before I notice who it is "Michael? Luke? Ashton? Calum!" I exclaim as I see Calum's state. "What happened?!" I exclaimed as I rushed him into a room and luke lied him down on the bed. I checked his temperature 140. That's too high" I say to myself as I begin to rush around "tell me what happened! Please" I whisper my heart breaking at Calum's whimpers. "calum was performing and as he was he fainted and banged his head really hard on the stage and we didn't know what to do so we brought him to you. I nod and bite my lip before starting to get some needles and an IV. Small tears trickled down my cheeks from concern but I tried to hide them.

I inserted the IV and calum jolted a silent cry coming out of his mouth before he opened his eyes his body shaking violently. "hey baby. Cal I'm here" I grip his hand and kiss it before adding all the medication. "you should start feeling better soon" I whisper. He whimpers and tries to whisper my name "hey hey calum you need rest. I'll stay right here and hold your hand" he nodded and closed his eyes tears falling from his closed eyes. I felt terrible and the boys looked really guilty. I kissed Calum's hand and started to sing to him my voice croaky and very shaky. Calum smiles a little and squeezes my hand before he falls silent and stops moving showing he had fallen into a sleep. I kissed his head before climbing into bed beside him and holding him tightly before falling asleep.

I woke up the next day to someone playing with my hair. I opened my eyes and notice a now wide awake calum who had a lot more colour to him. I smile and he kisses my head "hey Emily" I smile and give him a strange look but all he does is smile and pull me closer to his chest before he sighs and kisses my head "thank you for taking care of me. You're the best doctor ever" I giggle and he kisses my lips "I love you"

I hope you liked this one 😘😘💜💜💓💓💕❤️💞💞🥰🥰🥰

Q- do you want to get married and have kids when you're older

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