Horse Riding Accident

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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Emily's POV
"you will do amazing babe. I promise" my husband harry smiles and presses a kiss to my lips "and your look absolutely beautiful" he smiles and taps my horse Riding helmet and I giggle before cuddling into his chest.

I got onto my horse, dynamite before clicking my tongue and smiling as she began to trot. As I went around the ring I made eye contact with harry and smiled. Soon enough a loud scream was heard and dynamite immediately freaked out doing all sorts of turns and I held on for fear life but I was thrown off. I landed on my back and heard a crack letting out soft cries. Harry immediately ran to me and knelt down "hey Emily sweetheart I'm right here. What hurts?" I whimpered "my back and head"

Harry's POV
"my back and head" she whimpered. I swallowed hard before checking her head and seeing blood flowing from the big cut. I tore my shirt off before holding it against her head "you're going to be fine babe just fine I promise" she sobbed and I squeezed her hand before seeing the paramedics. They ran to us and began to check her over. I squeezed her hand and kissed her hand a few times before letting the paramedics do their job.

As we got to the hospital I followed quickly but a nurse stopped me and put her hand on my chest "sir you can't come in" I glared at her "she's my wife! I'm allowed in! She's terrified!" the nurse shook her head "please don't cause a scene otherwise I'll call security" I glared at her again before obeying and taking a step back.

Emily's POV
"HARRY!" I screamed whilst crying my heart out "hun he's waiting just outside" I continued to scream his name before the nurses allowed him in and he immediately rushed up to me and held me tight "hey darling I'm right here" he held my hand and I ignored the things the doctors were doing so I wouldn't panic. I cried softy and just held onto him as tight as possible.

As I was getting checked over again I whined as they had come in way to many times "baby its okay they're just checking" I nodded and closed my eyes as they checked me over again "okay you've cracked two of your ribs and fractured your wrist so we will fix them now" I nodded and whimpered but harry didn't let me go. The doctor began to make the mold for my arm before she started adding the paste onto my wrist. I watched anxiously but stayed calm. Harry kissed my hand and smiled as a tear ran down his cheek. I wiped it away and he smiled softly "you're so brave sweetie. The lads are sending their love" I smile and nod in acknowledgement before thanking the doctor as she finished up. "okay you will need to stay in the hospital tonight so we can monitor you. I'll get you some medicine you can take every morning to help soothe the pain in your ribs" she smiles. "thank you doc" harry says. She nods and smiles before walking out. Harry pulls me close and kisses my head "you make me so incredibly proud. You're so brave. I love you so much" I smile and kiss his cheek. I love him so much.

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💞💕💕💕💜💜💜

Fact: harry loves you. Even if he doesn't know you. He loves you. :-)

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