Brits Panic

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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Emily's POV
I walked into the back room holding Harry's hand tight. My head was pounding and I didn't know why. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and held onto him whilst whimpering "hey what's wrong sweetheart?" he rubs my cheek pecking my lips gently. "m-my head hurts" I whimper. He holds onto me and looks at the man trying to pull him away "mate I know I'm on stage in a minute but please let me look after my girlfriend." he kisses my cheek and holds me close as I continue to cry softly. I struggled to calm down before the man once again got very frustrated and tried to pull harry away. Harry ignored him and held me tighter whilst kissing my head and shushing me."do you know what could've caused this love?" I shake from pain and shock. "t-the crowd, paps, flashing lights, the music" I whimper. He nods before he has to let go "baby I'll be back. I'm so sorry. I've got to go"

Harry's POV
I walk away from my baby girl feeling absolutely horrible before I walk on stage smiling widely at the crowd. I get in my position before starting to sing. Half way through the song I noticed many people were looking between me and someone on the other side of the stage I followed their eyes and my eyes widen and I immediately run as fast as I can jumping down the steps and rushing to my girlfriends aid. She was on the ground her head bleeding immensely "hey hey baby I'm here. Tell hazza what happened. Tell me what happened baby" she began to cry before she pointed over to a young woman who was looking at me hopefully whilst waving her phone around. I glared at her disgusted "I'll be back love" she cried for me but I shushed her gently and walked towards the girl "oh my god harry I love you so m-" I cut her off "who do you think you are?!" I shouted not caring that everyone could hear "w-what?" she whimpered moving away "you know what you did you know exactly what you did! Why did you do that to my girlfriend? If you were a guy you would be on the ground by now so just be thankful I have respect for women! You fucking disgust me" her eyes widened and she let out a cry but she didn't move "run along now" she stared at me and I gave her a look which caused her to run. I watched her run off before walking back to Emily and looked up at the paramedics as they began to put blankets over her. "is she going to be okay?" I asked. They nodded and smiled "she'll be fine but she might need to stay in for a bit but overall she seems fine but a bit shaken up"

As we got to the hospital and into the room I held Emily's hand tight and kissed it gently. The doctor came in and smiled "okay Emily this will sting but I'm only cleaning the cut" she nodded and the doctor began to clean the cut. She whimpered and I squeezed her hand "you're doing so well"

Emily's POV
As the doctor finished up checking me and cleaning me up harry cuddled me close and kissed my head gripping me tightly and pressing kisses to my head. "I'm so proud of you Emily. I love you so much" I smile and kiss his cheek glad he was there for me "I love you too hazza so so much"

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍💗💗😘😘🥰🥰🥰💞

Q- what did you think of Harry's performance?

Me - I cried so hard but it was amazing

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