Brain Bleed

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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one 😍💜💞🥰💓❤️😘💕❤️💓🥰💞💜😍

Emily's POV
"luke!!!" I giggle happily and he smiles before continuing to run around the small living room. I notice a toy car on the ground and try to warn luke but he trips and bangs his head really hard on the floor. My eyes widen as he doesn't get back up "l-luke? Luke?" I kneel down and shake his shoulder but he doesn't react. I try not to panic before I get my phone and start to call an ambulance. I explain everything to them before putting the phone down and going back to luke. I notice his head is bleeding heavily and I try to calm down.

As the ambulance took luke in I followed quick and helped push luke in before getting gloves on just glad the ride to the hospital was quick. I begin to check luke over "okay can we get a head scan please" the nurses get me the scan and I quickly put it over his head before taking the picture of his head. We check and I feel my stomach twist and I gulp. He had a Bleed on the brain. "okay take him to the operating room immediately. Give him the medicine and I'll be in soon." I ordered watching as luke was wheeled away. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes "breathe Emily. Breathe"

I walk to the room more calmer now and I had my scrubs on and I was ready to do what I had to do. I wash my hands thoroughly before walking over to the bed and getting the tools ready. I take a deep breath before starting knowing this needed to be fixed urgently.

I began to very carefully fix him and stitch him up. As I did the last bit I double checked before closing my eyes and breathing deeply. He was going to be okay. I smile and wipe my eyes before nodding at the nurses. I take my gloves off and everything else before washing my hands and walking out of the room. I walk to where luke was before sitting down on the chair starting to read a book trying to relax my mind but I made sure to show luke that I was right there by holding his hand.

A few hours later I hear movement and open my eyes seeing luke. He winces and I stand up quickly "hey baby" I smile and hold his face in my hands. He smiles a little bit and I kiss his head "you fell over a toy and hit your head really hard. I just fixed you up. It's okay if you don't remember much" he nods slowly before pulling me close "cuddles em em" I smile at the nickname before nodding and getting in beside him and pulling him close to me. I kiss his head and start to play with his hair "I love you luke" I whispered. He smiles and I close my eyes and so does he "I love you to Emily. To the moon and back"

I hope this was okay 😍💜🥰💞💓❤️💕❤️💓🥰🥰💜😍😍😍😘

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