we won't hurt you

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This is for JFaith6106 hope you like this one. Sorry for the wait (: <3

Faith's POV
I bounced my knee up and down feeling really nervous. My eyes wandered the room and I tried to calm myself down. I took some deep breaths until my thoughts were cut off "faith?" I looked around the room nervously "hey love are you faith?" I looked towards the doctor before hesitantly nodding, he smiled and held his hand out for me to take "my name is cash... and my brother is maverick. I can tell by looking at you that you're nervous... no need to be nervous babe... we'll take great care of you and I promise we won't hurt you" I nodded trying to relax. He tugged me along into a big room and another boy was sat on a chair near a computer. He turned around and smiled at me "hey hun, i'm maverick" I nodded and smiled slightly I took a seat before trying to relax. "Ok before we get started I want you to tell me what you're scared of" I stared at maverick before slowly responding "the needles! I don't like needles!" I looked down biting my lip "aw babe don't worry" cash whispers whilst rubbing my back my eyes teared up and maverick wrapped his arms around me "hey, hey love. No crying" I sniffled and watched as cash put some gloves on "if you want us to stop just say and we'll stop" he smiled and squeezed my hand softly. He stood up and put some gloves on "it looks like you have to get two injections" my eyes widened "w-what... my mum said I didn't have to get any shots!" Maverick held my hand "hey relax... cash could you get the things set up please" cash nods and maverick walks off and starts typing on the computer. I stared at both of them, my heart pounding... I soon enough couldn't take it anymore so I just ran. I slammed the door shut and ran up the corridor, I ignored my name being called and just carried on running. Tears streamed down my cheeks and my hair was now a mess "faith? Faith! Love they won't hurt you!" I turned around and my eyes widened as I noticed my crush Leighton running after me this just pushed me to run faster but of course he was faster than me. An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back I breathed heavily and tried to get out of his grip "let me go please!" Leighton rubbed my arm "faith relax" he picked me up bridal style and began walking towards the doctors office. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I continued to stare at Leighton "why are you staring at me love?" He asked not even looking down "I-I love you" he looked down a shocked expression spread across his face "really?" I nodded and he smiled "well I love you too" I smiled slightly before realising we were at the entrance of the doctors office "leighton please take me hom!?" He smiled down at me "sorry love, no can do" maverick and cash came out "thanks leighton" maverick beckoned us in and leighton walked in still carrying me "leighton please" soon enough I was laid on the bed and being held down by cash and leighton "no please! I wanna go home" leighton rubbed my head softly "hey love look up for me" I obeyed and craned my neck back so i was focusing on leighton and not the injection. "Small pinch love" I whimpered and leighton kissed my forehead softly "hey baby girl focus on me" my stomach did somersaults and my heart raced. I felt a pinch and I whined quietly. He kissed my lips rubbing hie thumbs over my cheeks "there we go all done" Leighton smirked and didn't remove his lips from mine "I love you sweetheart"

hope you liked this one (: <3

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