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This is for @romi73727 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️💜💜💕💕🤩💜💜🥰🥰🥰🖤❤️ Aghhh this is my 198th chapter!!! That's crazy!! I'll have to make a new doctor book soon as the requests are firing in at the moment ❤️❤️❤️ I love you guys so much 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️

Rosie's POV
I slowly walk out of the school gates messaging my brother, Liam telling him that I'll be there soon. I put my phone away before looking up I looked around at all the different students before I noticed my best friend and smiled widely "hey maddie!" I exclaim rushing up to her and throwing my arms around her. She smiled and holds onto me tightly "so I was thinking about the weekend- wait are you okay? Maddie what's wrong?" I asked concern lacing my voice. She didn't answer all she did was stare behind me anxiously I stood up and turned around before rolling my eyes "oh hey Ariana" I cross my arms over my chest and grab her hand tightly as she tries to push me to the side. Ariana was maddie's bully and I cannot stand bullies they get on my nerves and I need to give them their own medicine "just get out of here" I say. She laughs and shoves me slightly so I shove her and she falls to the ground I smile at her as she starts to cry and she runs off. I sigh before turning around and sitting down beside maddie "hey its okay... I'm going to protect you from that bitch no matter what" she nods slightly before standing up "she won't even bully me anymore it's fine" I give her an odd look before watching her walk off. I shrug it off before I notice louis running towards me. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I laugh softly "you did it girly!! You fought that bitch off!!!" he smiles widely before pulling me to the car where all the other boys are staring at me proudly and they all give me high fives. I guess doing something good pays off!

As I walked into the house I dropped my bag on the floor and took my shoes off before going to the toilet and doing my business. I walked back out and before I could go upstairs harry wrapped his arms around me tightly and held me "I'm so sorry" he whispers "what? Why are you sorry harry? Did you eat my chocolate cake?!" he pulls back and holds onto my shoulders tightly "n-no Rosie.... Its about maddie" I raise my eyebrows slightly "what is it" his arms drop to his sides and he stares at the floor "she's dead" I give him a look "no she's not!" harry doesn't respond to me and I rush into the living room thinking it was all a joke but it wasn't. I covered my mouth horrified and louis quickly turned the TV off. I felt my legs weaken and I collapsed but niall was right there to hold me up. He held me in his arms and rubbed my back "she's dead?!!" I screamed into his chest and he nodded "I'm so sorry Rosie I'm so so sorry. We all are" I sob into his chest before giving up just wanting to see her one last time "b-but she seemed fine.... Is this my fault?" all the boys shook their head "she ran infront of a train... It was suicide baby girl... I'm so sorry" I get out of their arms before rushing outside I get in my car before wiping at my eyes angrily.

I get to the hospital and I very slowly get out of the car and rush to the main entrance of the hospital. I run into the hospital "maddie" I whimper. The nurse types it in before smiling sadly "room 244" I don't answer all I do is turn and run as fast as I can. I get to the room and open the door before I collapse to the floor as I see her. Blood is covering her face and intire body and a thick white sheet was covered over her. I walk up to her and feel the pain inside of me get worse "why maddie... Why? We could've sorted this out but you go do this! Why?!" I cry and grip my hair. My stomach twists and I feel sick and I know just then I'm going to be sick. I rushed to the sink and started to throw up. I gasped and spluttered until my Stomach had calmed down. I closed my eyes before wiping my mouth and looking back at the bed "I love you maddie.... Fly high angel" I felt my heart ache as I walked out of the room and I noticed ariana I glared at her and she had tears rolling down her cheeks "you're not the victim in this you bitch!" I yell as I run off more tears falling

As I got home I opened the door and fell to my knees. I cried loudly as arms wrapped around me tightly and I just continued to sob. Cries of pain, anger and sadness echoed around the house and I let zayn pick me up. He lied me down on the couch before all the boys surrounded me and they all cuddled me close trying to make me feel as safe as possible which definitely helped but the pain in my heart didn't go away and I don't think it ever will because losing someone who is close to you hurts so much but I know with the help of the boys.... I'll get through this.

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️💕💕♥️♥️💜💜💜🥰🥰😍😍🥰🥰💜💜♥️♥️💕💕❤️❤️🥺

Q- are you guys definitely sure you want a fourth book?! 🤔😏❤️❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 1021

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