Bronc Riding

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one 💓💞💞🥰🥰❤️💕💕💜💜💕❤️🥰🥰💞💞

Shay's POV
"you'll do so so well love" harry my boyfriend smiles. I smile and nod before getting ready. "next contestant is shay with the horse midnight!" I smiled and got ready. As it started I got on midnight and gripped her trying to stay focused. As she started to buck I held tighter and tried to stay put but soon enough I was thrown off of her and fell onto the floor my back getting the most impact. Midnight bucked on top of me and I screamed for help the pain getting worse. Harry rushed up to me and knelt down "hey hey you're alright I'm right here I've got you" he grips my hand "medic!!!!" he shouts "the medic isn't in Sir. I'll call an ambulance" harry nods and continues to try and keep me calm.

As the ambulance arrived I was loaded in the pain only getting worse. I got dosed up with medicine and just tried to stay calm. As we got to the hospital I was wheeled in and louis and niall immediately met us before starting to do their doctor stuff on me checking my vitals, eyes, ears, throat and blood pressure "remember it's just a tight hug" I nodded and closed my eyes holding onto Harry and trying to relax. "that's too high. We need to give you an injection. I know you dont like needles but this is for the best" I nodded not really caring at this point as the pain was too bad. Harry made me look into his eyes before I felt the needle go in and I winced but stayed calm. The boys then began to check other things before making sure I hadn't broken anything "okay you're okay. Everything seems good I think you've just got a bit of bruising that will heal by itself" they both smiled and gave me a hug before leaving.

The rest of the day spent being monitored in the hospital but my favourite part - being babied by harry. I love it when he's protective. He's the Best.

Hope you like this one. I'm sorry if it's bad. I'm really tired. Goodnight world.

Q- are you afraid of hospitals?

Me- I am. Ugh I've got to get a blood test again tomorrow 😐😒😬😮💔😭😭😭

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