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This is for @samiz19902 's sister I hope you like this one ❤️💓💞💚💕😍🥰😘💜💜💜 Get better soon lovely.

Erika's POV
I whimpered and moved around curling into a ball again trying to get the pain in my tummy to go away. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut. "erika?" I heard a low voice ask. I turned my head to the door and noticed a tired liam rubbing the sleep out of his eyes "yeah Li?" he came in and sat on the bed "what's wrong babe?" he wrapped an arm around me and I cuddled into his side gripping him tightly "my tummy hurts" I whispered. Liam pouts slightly "are you on?" I shook my head and he sighed softly "well then why don't I check" I shook my head fear going through my body "no Li Li" he smiles "cmon babe I promise I'll be gentle" I sighed before nodding "o-okay" I lied down more and liam manoeuvred himself before smiling and gently lifting my top up. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths trying to stay calm and collected. Liam began to very gently press on my tummy until he found the place. I cried out and curled up before starting to gasp urgently. Liam looked at me concerned before I gagged and threw up everywhere "oh god sweetheart. It's okay it's okay. I'm not mad" he picks me up before sitting me on the couch in my bedroom and kissing my head he then began to clear the bed up and he made my bed for me before smiling "okay love from what I can see is that you've just got a bad stomach bug but LiLi knows how to fix that!" he yelled happily. I giggled and bit my lip leaning into him. He smiled and picked me up again before laying me on the bed and getting beside me. He held me close and kissed my head before turning the TV on and putting my favourite movie on. I smiled and cuddled into him more glad that he was holding me tight. He kissed my head again before rubbing the tears from my cheeks and smiling. "I'll go get you some medicine" I nodded and watched as he walked out.

A few minutes later here came back with the pills. He handed them to me and gave me a drink before rubbing my back soothing me enough to take my tablets. "and here's a vitamin" I thanked him before leaning into him again. "I love you Erika. So so much" I smile and close my eyes holding onto him tightly. He's the best.

I hope you liked this one ❤️💞💕💚💜💓❤️💞💕💚💜🥰😍😘

I love you all so much xxx

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