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This is for @bts_lyf I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Olivia's POV
"don't make me force you Olivia" I glared up at jimin but stood my ground "I'm. Not. Going!" he smirks "yes. You. Are" I rolled my eyes and scoffed before mocking him. He chuckled and shook his head "I'll give you one last chance" I giggle and look away before whispering under my breath "do you wanna say that louder sis?" junkook asked. I nodded "uh huh. I said. Chonce" both of them looked at each other "Chonce?" they then began hysterically laughing and I smiled before deciding to take my chance. I got up and began to run quickly. I slammed the bathroom door shut and leaned against it as both of my brothers banged on it whilst telling me to open it "no! I'm not coming out because I don't want injections!" I exclaimed loudly. "they don't hurt that bad babe it'll be over very quick"

Soon enough the door was opened and both of my brothers took one arm each and dragged me out to the car. I had already made them late but that doesn't matter! I'm terrified of doctors and needles. As I was carried into the office I kicked violently at both boys but they were too strong. I was sat on the bed and infront of me was V "Olivia" V said in a welcoming tone "V" I responded in the same tone and he smiled before putting his gloves on. "okay take deep breaths" he said as he put the stethoscope to my chest. I obeyed and held onto jimins hand tightly and junkook held my other hand. "okay that's good" I nodded. He then went on to check my eyes, ears and throat. He did all the other necessary things before he rolled my sleeve up and picked up a rather large needle. I gulped and my eyes widened. My breathing got heavier and I let out a slight scream and tried to get up but both of my brothers wouldn't let me go. I screamed for help and struggled. My brothers held me tighter whilst junkook whispered words of encouragement into my ear. Tears came to my eyes and I let out another scream as V cleaned my arm. I squirmed "hold still sweetheart. Deep breaths deep breaths" I tried to take deep breaths and soon enough he injected me and I cringed crying into jimin's shoulder before V gave me the last one.

"all done sweetie all done" V pulled me in for a tight warm hug and kissed my head before my brothers surrounded me and it all turned into a massive group hug. I guess it wasn't as bad as I expected but I love these guys.

I hope you like this was ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💜💜💞💞💓🥰🥰😘😘💗💗😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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