I Told You Not To Watch It

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This is for @MariamGeorge699 I hope you like this one ❤️💕😍😘💞💖💞💜💖💞😘😍😍💕❤️

Mariam's POV
"don't be silly and watch it. If you do I'll take your laptop away okay" I roll my eyes at my older brother "harry I'm not a baby! I'm 15!!" he glares at me "well sweetheart horror movies can honestly give you nightmares" I mock him slightly "I don't have nightmares anymore!" he chuckles "okay. Well goodnight" I smile and wave at him.

I heard Harry's TV turn off and I plugged my headphones in before turning the movie on. I turned my lamp off before turning the volume right up. A while later I felt my heart start to pound and my breathing got erratic.

Half way through the movie I was extremely close to pissing myself. I gave up before slamming my computer shut and putting it on the floor before lying down and pulling the duvet over my head. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to stay calm. Shadows crossed over my walls but I tried to ignore them. I saw a dark shadow come toward me and I screamed before jumping up and running straight to Harry's room. I jumped onto his bed gripping him tightly "you okay?" he asked softly "y-yeah..." I gulped and he sighed before opening his eyes and looking at me "you watched that movie didn't you?" I shook my head "no. Why would you say that?" he shrugs and smiles "you just act in a scared way when you've done something that I've told you not to do" he smirks and I glare at him "no!" he smiles before rolling his eyes "okay lil sis" he pulls me into his arms "I love you" I smile slightly and keep my head buried in his neck "I love you too"


I slowly walk up the stairs and look around. Why was everything upside down? I slowly open a door and see a bloody hand print on the door before I quickly run to Harry's room breathing extremely heavily. "harry? Harry?!" I check his room but he's not there. His duvet is on the floor though as well as his pillows. I heard a muffled sound and I began to run around urgently "harry! Please where are you?!" tears streamed down my cheeks and that's when I noticed there were bloody footprints leading me to the bathroom "HARRY!!" I ran to the bathroom and opened the door. I covered my mouth and fell to my knees "h-harry!" I gag slightly. Blood covered the intire bathtub and Harry's hand was leaning against the bathtub but his body wasn't anywhere to be seen. I crawled towards the bath before grabbing his arm and pulling it hoping it was a joke but the only thing that happened was that his head got pulled up and his face was all cut up. I whimpered before trying to get him out but something was holding him down. A cloked figure had a hold of Harry's hair before pushing his head back ujder water. I screamed for it to let him go and before I knew it. The water in the bathtub shot up and it slowly turned red. I took steps backwards before dashing into another room as the water turned into a wave. I slammed the door shut and began to repeatedly shout the other boys names. I noticed the water was making the door shake and I covered my head "HELP ME!!!"

after dream

"Mariam!! Mariam!!" I gasped and opened my eyes. Harry was sat there a worried look in his eyes. He was on top of me his hands holding my wrists down "w-what happened? ARE YOU A GHOST?!!!" I began to sob and harry pulled me into him tightly "he hey shhh no no no I'm not a ghost I'm your brother and I'm right here. Shhh" I cried into his chest "I watched that movie!! I know I shouldn't of but I-i liked disobeying you! I know that's not a reason b-but-" I started to breathe more heavier and he shushed me started to play with my hair "baby its okay. Mariam I'm not angry. Are you okay? Hey breathe. It's over now. It was just a dream.... Thats why I don't want you watching that stuff because it messes with your head" I nod and breathe deeply trying to stay calm. Harry kisses my head before smiling "now Mariam I want you to know you're very safe. None of that movie is real. It's all fictional or based on people's nightmares. None of it will come true and if it does then it'll have to attack me first as I won't let anything hurt you as you're my baby girl" I smile and he holds my head on his chest. I closed my eyes ignoring the shapes and shadows "I've got you and I'm right here" he began to very softly sing to me and he ran his fingers through my hair making me more relaxed "and it's alright calling out for somebody/someone to hold you tight. I'll be your light and guide you through the night. You'll never be alone. I'll make this feel like home"

"I love you Mariam"

I hope this was okay ❤️💜💞💕😘💖💓💖💕💞💜💜💜💜💜

Thank you all for the craziest support!! I love you all so so much

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