Getting Violent

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This is for nicobiersack2 hope you like this one ❤️💜💙😘🖤

Bobbi's POV
"bobbi?" I looked up nervously and gulped. "t-that's me" I sheepishly said standing up. He smiled at me "please follow me bud" I nodded and followed him into the room "ok if you'd get onto the bed for me" i obey and slowly get onto the bed my heart pounding hard. "ok buddy so I'm just going to check everything first... When was the last time you came to the doctors?" I rubbed my hands together nervously "a—about 6 months ago" he nodded and clicked on the computer "ok it looks like you've got to have two shots" my eyes widen and i immediately go to stand up but he's obviously used to that as he stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder "bobbi i promise i will take great care of you" my breathing got worse and i began to try and shove him away from me my panic rising "no! No i need to go home doc!" he pushed me down gently and turned around i took this as an advantage and shoved the tray of tools away from me "hey... Hey bobbi that's a no no" my eyes widened further and i stood up again "no i want to go home!" i tried to kick him and he pushed me back down pressing a button and many nurses rushed in "he's getting very violent so i want to restrain him" my eyes widened again and I began kicking screaming loudly "no! No i need to go!" nurses came at me from every direction holding me down. I struggled until i was tied down "no! Let me go!" dr mike got the shots and i began panicking "buddy i need you to relax" he said but i couldn't understand him as i was panicking to hard. "i writhed and pulled at the straps until a stinging sensation went through my arm i crief out and felt myself go numb as the other injections went in. Soon enough the restraints were being pulled off and dr mike pulled me in for a comforting hug."im sorry i had to do that bobbi but i didn't want you hurting yourself" i nodded wiping my eyes and sighing "I'll see you soon" i nodded and rushed out of the room still feeling completely horrified

Hope you liked this one 🖤😘💙💜❤️

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