Mental Breakdown

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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one 😘😘🤩🤩🥰🥰😍😍💕💕❤️❤️💜💜❤️💕😍🥰🤩🤩😘 Also just a quick add on as I think I need to speak up about this: at 8:00 all the tv's are going to be turned off and this is for respect of all the nurses and doctors working their asses off during this tough time so please so your respect. Have a moment of silence or just clap... Clap for them all the ones who are going through so much pain, the victims, the carers... Everyone but please please show your respect ❤️🙏

Shay's POV
I very slowly walked in from work I dropped my bag on the floor before walking towards the living room like a zombie. Tears were helplessly drenching my face and my mascara made me look disgusting. I sat down on the sofa before bringing my knees into my chest starting to sniffle softly. Toxic friends, work, corona virus and just life in general was getting me down it was making me feel somewhat broken. I heard my phone start to ring but I ignored it I couldn't be bothered to do this anymore. I then heard the Snapchat ringtone and I sighed before picking my phone up and answering it but keeping the camera pointing towards the ceiling "hey babe!" I mumbled a quiet 'hey' and I heard him sigh "what's wrong shay?" I covered my face with my arm and groaned softly "is it that ovbious haz?" I whimpered "yes love it is and you're not showing me your face so that shows you're either having a breakdown about something or you're naked" I laugh lightly at the last bit that's why Harry's such a great friend he's able to make me laugh "so I was wondering, can I come over?" he asked and I bit my lip staring down at my phone but staying out of view "h-harry I don't think that's such a good ide-" he cut me off "but it sounds like you need a hug babe and you know I give great hugs" I closed my eyes and cuddled my pillow closer "H I'm a mess you don't wanna see me like this I can promise you that" he shook his head slightly his hair bouncing up and down making me smile through the tears "I don't care what you look like hun. I'm your best friend not someone who would judge you let me come over and I'll fix you" I sigh softly before nodding "okay harry... You can come over" he smiled "great. I'll be over soon but first let me see you" I shook my head "no harry" I sniffled feeling very insecure before hanging up and lying down.

About ten minutes later I heard my front door open and I buried my head in the pillow "aw shay" I ignored him and bit my lip trying to make it look like I was asleep but my body shaking with sobs gave it away. I felt a gentle hand on the small of my back and he gently started to rub my back "hey baby girl can you look at me?" I shook my head and he made a little sound before drawing patterns into my back "cmon love I'm here to give you a hug and to help you" it took a while but I very slowly managed to sit up and stare at harry my bottom lip trembling as I tried to hold in my cries. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight I let out strangled cries as my breathing began to get out of control. "hey hey shay you can let go... Let yourself go... I'm not going to let you go... I'm right here" he held me tight making sure to squeeze me a few times to try and bring me into a more calmer state but I just couldn't. I felt my breathing quicken as I finally let myself go my tears streaming like a waterfall. He ran his fingers through my hair before he kissed my head and wrapped his arms tightly around me so I couldn't get out. My head was pushed onto his chest as I tried to breathe normally harry rubbed my back staying quiet knowing I needed my time to explain everything to him. He started to use his hands to massage my back and shoulders trying to ease the pain away. My grip on him loosened slightly but I didn't want him going so I didn't let go of him. I began to very quietly tell him everything and he nodded listening to me intently the only voice in the room was mine which showed harry was giving me all of his attention and comfort "a-and then he punched me hard in my stomach and just told me I was a loser and an idiot and then-then-" I grasped his t-shirt starting to gasp for air and harry quickly moved his hands to my face and made me look into his eyes he didn't say anything all he did was take exaggerated breaths and kept doing that until I followed him."there you go love... I'm right here I won't leave you" I closed my eyes taking another deep breath before explaining the rest of my day and week to him. After I finished he wrapped his arms around me and let out a soft sigh "well shay let me tell you this... Life at this point sucks but you do not need to worry about life anymore and I promise you won't be seeing any of those people again... Probably for a whole year" I gave him a confused look and he smiled "I'm keeping you home... We're gonna spend the days together so I can look after you okay?" I nodded and he tapped his ear gently telling me to be verbal as he needed a vocal answer to make sure I actually meant it. He nodded and smiled before kissing my head.

"okay babe is it alright if I look at your stomach?" I gulped slightly before nodding. I lied down and he lifted my t-shirt up very gently and looked at the yellow bruise which was slowly turning a brown/blue colour forming on my skin from a week ago "okay that guy is a complete asshole. Jesus christ" he very gently pressed the back of his hand against it and I whined in pain "I'm sorry babe" he stood up before grabbing a few things. He came back and put a warm towel on my tummy "okay that will help ease the pain.... I'm going to clean you up okay darlin" I nodded and watched as he pulled some makeup remover wipes out "close your eyes for me" I closed my eyes and he began to wipe the eyeshadow away and the mascara on my cheeks away. A few minutes later I felt another tear roll down my cheek and he pressed his lips against my cheek catching the tear. I opened my eyes slowly and harry smiled sweetly at me "now let's watch a movie and we'll cuddle the pain and tears away" I nodded and curled up into him and gripped him tight. He draped his arm around me and held me close playing with my hair. He kissed my head gently and smiled "I love you shay... We're gonna get through this no matter how hard it is we will get through this. We are human beings and we're meant to experience what life actually is and life is a huge obstacle to get over but we always manage to get over it and please.... For me.... Don't bottle your feelings up" I nodded and held him even tighter "okay hazza.... I love you" he smiles "I love you more princess... Forever and ever"

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜😘😘🤩🥰🥰🥰😍💕💕♥️♥️🖤😍😋🤩🤩

Always here for you guys if you wanna talk to me if you're worried about something.

Word count: 1386

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