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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️💜💓💞💕❤️💜

Emily's POV
I smiled at calum and rubbed his shoulder trying to soothe him "you'll do so well babe I promise" I kiss his cheek and smile holding him close. "I know I will sweetie. I just get nervous sometimes." I nodded and smiled "that's okay to be nervous. You're human" he nodded and held me close kissing my lips gently before sighing and standing up "I've got to get changed." I smiled and nodded before watching him get changed.

As he sat back down again I wrapped my arms around him tightly "Emily just know that there will be-" I cut him off "I know cal. Flashing lights. I'll be fine stop worrying" I smile and rub his cheek before kissing him softly "I know but I can't stop worrying baby. You're my everything" I smile and look into his eyes "and you're my everything too" he smiles and holds me close. Michael walks in and smiles "hey cal we're up in five. Em remember about the-" I smiled and stepped in for him "flashing lights." he chuckles and nods "well done. But we only remind you because we love you" I nod and smile.

Calum's POV
I rub my hands together anxiously before sighing. "cmon cal we're ready" Ashton smiles and pulls me up and before I know it I'm on stage. I smile and wave at the crowd "hello everyone!" the crowd screamed and I smiled widely. This is going to be amazing.

During our song "valentine" I noticed a girl jumping around crazily whilst pointing to the side of the stage. I looked over to the side of the stage confused before I gasped and dropped my mic running quickly towards Emily who was shaking violently "shit. Emily babe. Fuck. Umm keep her comfy. Make sure she can't hit or injure herself.... Okay" I held her tight and looked up as luke ran off stage "is she okay?" he grabs the pillow from the couch and puts it under her head and taking her hand in his "hey em you're doing so well. It will be over soon"

Emily's POV
The concert was going so well then all of a sudden my vision went blurry and I passed out. I hit the ground and immediately new I was going to have a seizure. All I could think about was calum and how I wanted him to be right there to save me but of course I couldn't do anything. I was trapped in my own body.

I could hear them trying to wake me up and being so supportive but ai just couldn't wake up. "Emily love your shaking is slowing down. You're going to be okay" soon enough I came to. I opened my eyes and winced as I saw the four boys surrounding me. Calum poured some water into my mouth before lifting me up and holding me close "call off the rest of the concert. We need to focus on Emily now. She needs TLC right now and I don't care if you shout at me or stop my money I don't care I just want to be with my girlfriend!" he holds me close and I smile knowing I was in good hands.

I hope this was okay 💜❤️❤️💕💕💞💞💓💓💞💞💕❤️❤️💜💜

Q- do you think I should make a fourth doctor/dentist book?

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