Surgery Aftermath

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This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned. Hope you like this one ❤️💜♥️🖤💛💕 (just a quick notice: the character y/n is in subspace but she doesn't show it until she's in real pain)

"I don't like this haz" I whimpered completely terrified. "I know you don't baby but it'll be over before you know it" he rubbed my back to try and soothe me. As the doctor walked in I gripped harry extremely tight and didn't let go. I gripped onto him for dear life. "h—harry please don't let them do this! Please!!!" I cried out and he shushed me "Y/n listen to me.... Listen" he lifted my chin up and forced me to look into his eyes "I'm going to be right by your side and you don't need to be scared of letting go" he kissed my cheek gently and smiled at the doctor "okay I think she's ready" I shook my head violently and he picked me up, lying me down on the bed and I began to cry hysterically. "no! No! Please! Harry no please!!!" he held my shoulders down as the doctor got a needle. I let out a heartbroken scream and tried to struggle away but as much as I tried I just couldn't. The needle pierced my skin and I cried out watching as it slipped in."darling you're going to be fine..." he held me close as a mask was put over my nose and mouth. "just let go... Close your eyes, it's gonna be okay" I whimpered before allowing my eyes to shut and before I knew it I was passed out.

I slowly peeled my eyes open and looked around confused before I noticed a sleeping harry cuddled into the chair, a blanket wrapped around him. I winced as pain struck through me and I bit my lip.

The pain only seemed to get worse and now I was crying. Hard. "d-daddy" I whimpered squeezing his hand but he didn't react. "daddy please!" I began to get hysterical. Harry slowly sat up and rubbed at his eyes "y/n?" he questioned. "daddy! Please it—it hurts!!! It hurts!!!" I began to scream from pain and terror. "baby hey baby you need to focus... Breathe kitten. Breathe. I'm right here. Where does it hurt?" I continued to sob loudly before I pointed to my stomach and chest then to my head. He pulled me close and I cried out from pain "I'm sorry... I'm sorry. DOCTOR!" I continued to cry before the doctor ran in. "is everything okay?" he noticed that I had my face scrunched up in pain and he began to check me over. "give her some medicine then!!" harry yelled as I continued to squirm from pain. "daddy it hurts!!! Please help me!!!! Daddyyyyy!!!!" harry tried to comfort me as much as possible "GIVE HER SOME FUCKING MEDICINE OR I WILL DO IT MYSELF! SHE'S IN ENOUGH PAIN AS IT IS!!!" the doctor nodded grabbing a needle and I began to whimper "it's okay kitten its just going into your IV" I continued to whimper and harry took a deep breath completely terrified. "daddy" I whined softly "I'm right here" he took my hand in his and kissed it gently. "i—it still hurts" harry glared at the doctor but didn't say anything he just got onto the bed and cuddled me. "just listen to me. Okay" I nodded and he began to sing softly "I'm in my bed and you're not here and there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands. Forget what I said its not what I meant and I can't take it back—" I cut him off by a cry and he shushed me starting to rub my back gently. "you said you cared and you missed me too and I'm well aware I write too many songs about you and the coffees out at the beach wood Cafe and it kills me because I know we've run out of things to say.... What am I now?" and I began to sing gently with him "I'm falling and I get the feeling you'll never need me again. What am I now?" he smiled softly and kissed my head as he noticed my eyes were close to shutting. "you can go to sleep sweetheart" I nodded slightly "up" I mumbled and he nodded understanding me completely. He lied on his back before pulling me gently on top of him and began to rub my back up and down his fingers gently scratching at it as he knew I loved that and he began to sing softly "walking your rainbow paradise..... I get so lost inside your eyes..... You don't have to say you love me you don't have to say nothing you don't have to say you're mine. Walk through fire for you just let me adore you" he began to hum it drumming his fingers on my back before feeling me fully relax and he smiled gently "good girl... I love you honey" I fell into a deep sleep imagining harry dancing cutely to his new songs with a smile on my face. "sleep well my darling"

Hope you liked this one 💓💙💚🖤💛💕 thank you all for the endless support. Love you all 💛🖤💓❤️💕❄️⛄🦌🎄

Q- are you looking forward to Christmas? Xxx

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