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This is for @brxannalucxa I hope you like this one 💜❤️💕💞💓💜❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜💜

Brianna's POV
I giggle and run around trying to not get caught by my two big sisters kennedi and demi. Our friend Bea was sat on the sofa laughing loudly finding it amusing. "bea help!!" she smirked and stuck her tongue out "no can do love" I playfully glare at her. As I get caught by demi I feel a really sharp pain in my tooth and I wince thinking no one noticed but bea was paying a lot of attention to me "you okay brianna?" I whimpered but nodded "i-I'm fine" kennedi notices as well "you're not fine love..." kennedi pulls me close as demi and bea walk off together. "my tooth hurts" I whimper and kennedi gives me a sad look before she smiled "cmon let's go somewhere" I took her hand and she walked me out to her car. "you're gonna be fine sis"

As we got to the small building I gulped "why're we here?" I asked worriedly. Kennedi smiles and looks at me "well love. You probably don't know this but demi and bea are dentists" my eyes widen and I immediately slam the car door open and run into the office before running to any open door. I slam the door shut and lock it before curling up in the storage cupboard and crying to myself quietly.

Kennedi's POV
I rush around looking for brianna but I just can't find her "where's brianna?" demi asked as she came out of the room with gloves on "I told her the news and she ran... She's now hiding" demi sighs "that's okay. Just be patient with her" I nod and start to look around for her again starting to call her name and trying every door before coming to a door which was locked. I knocked on it but got no response so I got the spare key and opened it "brianna love? It's only me kennedi. I'm not going to hurt you" I heard a whimper and rushed to the storage cupboard.

Brianna's POV
I whimpered and the door opened. I cried into my hands my breathing getting worse as I was panicking too much. Kennedi pulled me close and stroked my hair "hey hey angel I'm right here. I'm right here" she continues to hold me close whilst rocking me "why're you so scared babe?" I whimpered louder before shaking my head "you can tell me love..." I took a deep breath "y-you know anne? Our ex step mother" she nodded and rubbed my back. "she forced me to have unnecessary treatment" I cried and memories flooded back and I began to panic my breathing getting worse. I begin to shake violently. "hey hey brianna breathe. You're with me. I'm not anne I'm kennedi" I whimper and get closer to her my crying getting worse before I start to calm down again. "do you thin you're ready love?" I nodded shakily and she helped me stand up.

As we walked into the room I wouldn't make eye contact with anyone. I sat down and noticed demi who looked frustrated. As the chair leans back I shut my eyes tightly "okay brianna open nice and wide" I shake my head at demi's request "brianna for gods sake just open your mouth!" I whimper and kennedi gives demi a warning look. I begin to cry hard and demi has a look of realisation flash across her face and she quickly pulls me into her arms. "oh darling I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. You shouldn't be scared because we would never hurt you" she smiles and kisses my head before pulling away "bea will hold you hand" I nodded and blushed slightly knowing it would help me stay calm.

Bea's POV
i squeezed her hand and smiled "you're doing so well love. You're nearly done" she nodded and stared into my eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful. I smile widely and get lost in her eyes. Soon enough she was crying loudly and she seemed to start panicking again. Demi pulled away and I pulled her onto my lap "hey brianna shhh I'm right here shhh" as she won't calm down I lift her head up and stare into her eyes before leaning down and pressing my lips against hers forcing her to hold her breath so she could calm down. She pulled away and took a deep breath and from the momentary shock she began to breathe normally. I smiled and held her close "you did so well brianna. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much" she smiles and blushes hiding her face in my chest. She's so adorable.

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️💜💓💓💞💞💕💕❤️❤️💕💞💞💓❤️❤️💞💓💓💜💓

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