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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one ❤️💜💓💚🥰💕💚💓😘💚💓💜❤️

Shay's POV
"so as you know nazi Germany was pretty bad. Hitler was killing many Jews because he hated them and does anyone know what hitlers secret police force was called?" uncle niall looked around the room before pointing at me. I shrugged and shook my head "okay. Yes danny?" Danny smiles and speaks up quickly "the police force was called the gestapo!!" uncle niall nodded and smiled widely "that is quite right. Well done Danny. Now I've set the homework up and I hope you all do it otherwise you'll have an after school detention and you'll do the homework with me. Understood?" everyone nodded and muttered before standing up and packing their things up. I stayed seated and watched as everyone filed out. I slowly stood up before walking up to niall and waiting for him to acknowledge me. He turns around and smiles."oh hey princess" before I know it I'm wrapping my arms around him and whimpering into his chest "u-uncle n-ni" I whimpered. He held me tight "hey shay what's wrong sweetheart?" I gripped his shirt "m-my heart hurts" he gives me a worried look "okay darling. That's okay. Cmon let's go see harry" I nodded and he tentatively held my hand before walking me to my dad's office. "haz" dad turned around and smiled before looking really worried "what happened?" he asked whilst washing his hands "she was in class then she came up to me and said her heart hurts" dad nods "aw babe I'm sorry. Niall call the others" niall nods and walks out. Dad pulls me close and I hide my face in his chest letting out soft cries. Dad very carefully moved me onto the bed and I just held my chest trying to ignore the pain.

My other uncles walked in looking extremely worried "hey lovely what happened to you?" zayn asked rubbing my cheek gently "i-i—" I try to answer but I can't so I give up and curl up sobbing loudly. Liam gets dad's stethoscope before starting to check my heart. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to calm my breathing. I squirmed about and uncle Louis held me down. "shay take deep breaths" I nodded and took deep breaths trying to stay calm. As they continued to try and figure everything out dad got some sticky pads before sticking them onto my chest. He checked everything before sighing "okay lads I need to do an ultrasound on her chest" my eyes widened and dad smiled comfortingly. My uncles helped my dad set up before niall helped me remove my top and dad put the gel on my chest. He then put the probe onto my chest and began to check. A few minutes later he sighs "okay so nothing seems to be wrong... I think I've got a good idea of what is causing this but I want to make sure. Okay shay baby I know this is scary but I need to take a blood sample" I nodded and zayn was quick to wrap his arms around me and hold my head against his shoulder "just take deep breaths" I nodded and took nice deep breaths. "okay shay tell me about your day" I began to explain to them all about my day "okay all done" dad says smiling. "you didn't even flinch baby girl. Well done" I smile slightly before lying back down.

An hour later dad came back with the results "okay so I was right. You were extremely stressed and your anxiety was sky high but I promise it's okay" he smiles before pulling me against his chest. I grip him tight and he kisses my head "I love you. You were so brave today" I give him a squeeze "I love you too dad. You're the best doctor ever" I was then wrapped up in a group hug. I love these guys.

I hope you liked this one ❤️😍😍😘💜💕💖💕💞❤️😍😘

Q- how many concerts are you going to this year or how many concerts have you been to?

Me- I'm seeing Harry in April then I'm seeing 5sos in May!! Aghh 😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️

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