Bomb Located

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This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned. Hope you like this one ❤️💚💙💖💕

Y/n's POV
"hey y/n what's the question to f?" I turned around smiling at the new boy, Dylan. "the answer is 45" he nodded, grinning. "great. Thanks" I nodded and continued with my work "girl do you know the answer to A?" I looked tawards the school jock, annoyed. "no, figure it out yourself you've got a–" I was cut off by a student running in, she slammed the door shut with panic on her face "Amanda what's wrong?" Mr Davidson asked "i–i–" she began but was cut off by the speakers going off and loud sirens blared the room "this is not a test. A bomb has been located on campus ground. Stay inside your classrooms and make little movement and do not panic... The police and armed forces are trying their best to remove the bomb safely. I will keep you all updated. Just stay calm" my eyes widened and I tried to breathe normally "ok everyone get to the back of the classroom now. Although this isn't a shooting we're going to treat it like one" everyone moved to the back of the classroom and I pulled the curtains down before kneeling down and covering my mouth from shock and fear.

As we all sat in silence I could hear more and more police officers yelling. People began whispering and I pulled my phone out before dialling my brother in a panic.


Hello? Harry! Please come to my school now.... There's a Located bomb!

I sobbed loudly into the phone wanting my brother with me.

Woah babe, babe it's OK... You're going to be fine... Breathe with me. I'm right here... I'm right here. Has the bomb gone off?

No... Not yet atleast

I whimpered quietly

OK... Well–

Harry was cut off by a loud bang and we all began screaming as the ground shook, I gripped my friend tightly "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" I yelled. My friend shook her head and we both continued to sob

Harry's POV
"y/n?! Y/n?! Cmon!" I yelled into the phone but all I heard was screams. "Harry we've got to go get your sister..." Liam said nervously. I nodded "let's go..." I hung up the phone before the boys and I ran out. I got into the car, driving off quickly.

As we arrived at the school my eyes widened in horror. Half of the school was on fire. I stopped the car before getting out "louis you get the medical supplies" I ordered before the rest of us ran up to the police officers "we're trained paramedics... My sisters in the school and I want to go treat her class. Can I do that" he looked at me before nodding "yes you can" I nodded gratefully. Louis followed behind us.

We rushed up the stairs shouting y/n's name. As we got closer to a door I heard sobs and coughing, I waved my hand around to get the smoke to get out of my face. I opened the door and many of the students stood up with hopeful looks "hey kids... We're paramedics... Liam you treat that girl, louis you treat that boy, zayn you treat those two and niall come with me" I said walking tawards y/n. She was curled up against the wall and she was breathing way to fast "hey... Honey?" I whispered kneeling down, she flinched and I shushed her before wrapping my arms around her. She sobbed loudly and I gripped her "you're Safe" suddenly more banging was heard and she let out a scream "shh... Its OK... I've got you... I've got you. No ones gonna hurt you. Hazza's got you" I whispered rocking her back and forth. She sobbed into my shoulder and I looked at niall who was treating y/n's friend and classmates. "I've got two who need to go to the hospital" louis said. I nodded and held y/n tighter as she began shaking profusely. I held my hands over her ears as many more small bangs rang throughout the school, as silence consumed the room I uncovered her ears "baby girl... Breathe with me" I said holding her hand against my chest and doing exaggerated breaths. She copied and soon enough she was leaning against me more relaxed.

"ok... Your injuries aren't bad but they aren't good either... Look at me for a second kitten" I whispered. She looked up and I gently placed a bandage on her split eyebrow. I then grabbed some tissue and wiped her lip which was bleeding "there we go... Now look up a bit" she looked up and I held her chin, looking at the piece of glass stuck in her chin "this is going to hurt love.. Deep breath" she took a deep breath and I slowly pulled the glass out. She flinched and I smiled slightly at her "there we go... Good girl" I kissed her forehead, wrapping my arms around her again. She gripped me tightly and sniffled into the crook of my neck "I'm scared Harry" I nodded "I am too" I whispered back. She whimpered into my shoulder and I held her head scratching it softly to try and comfort her. "I don't want to die" I chuckled "you're not going to die" she closed her eyes sighing softly. "we're probably going to be in here for a while so just close your eyes and relax OK" she nodded and laid her head on my chest. "love you sweetheart"

Y/n's POV
I woke up to Harry picking me up. I opened my eyes and looked at Harry's face. His Jaw was tensed, he always does that when he concentrates "ok everyone I want you to go slow. Alright" he ordered. Everyone agreed and I closed my eyes letting quiet whimpers out "it's alright love" Liam said holding my hand tightly. He smiled down at me. As we got into the open Harry began running and so did everyone else but I didn't know why, I looked back tawards the building and my eyes widened it was crumbling and most of it was engulfed in flames. I gripped Harry Tightly, burying my head in his chest "you're my saviour haz... Thank you"

Hope you liked this one ❤️ 💚 💙 💖 💕

Q- do you like hedgehogs?

I ask this question because my dog literally just tried to eat one and he's bleeding. Ugh SMH 🤦‍♂️

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