No More Pain

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This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned this will be very emotional and it hits at a few dark topics including rape, suicidal thoughts and cutting so if you are sensitive to this topic then please don't read. Much love ❤️💙💜❤️💙 also you guys will be seeing so much more stories coming from me to help you pass time during quarantine. Hope this helps some of you out. Love youuuu 💙❤️💜

Dawn's POV
Pain ripped through my abdomen and I cried softly helplessly crying and pathetically trying to get out from under him. "I thought you fucking liked this!!!!" he screamed in my face before he slapped me harshly. I couldn't speak from the amount of assault that had been going on. I didn't want this.... Please save me. After he finished with me he stood up before kicking me and throwing a blanket at me his laugh psychotic. He shut the door and locked it. Please help me. Please, please, please.

Henry had left the house probably to go and hook up with more girls. I thought he cared for me... I thought he loved me but ovbiously it was a lie.... All a big lie. I stood up very slowly and cringed at the ripping feeling again. I stared down at my trembling thighs and watched as dark red blood streamed down my already bloody legs. I stumbled over to the window and looked out of it. I noticed a man. He had dark brown hair. He looked like he was in his mid 20s and he was talking to someone on the phone. I slammed my hands against the window just wishing he would notice me but he walked straight past. Am I really invisible?! "dawn.... Dawn... Dawn" I spun around just in time to see a baseball bat rushing towards my face. Even the baseball bat was against me..... There's no hope for me anymore. Henry whacked me over and over again with the baseball bat. I've given up. I looked so pathetic. He gave me one more smack to the head before he spat on me and walked out. Blood streamed down my chin and the pain seemed to intensify..... All the hope has gone. I watched as Henry walked back in. He bent down beside me. My vision was going blurry and I couldn't do anything "it's okay princess.... You won't die.... Its nearly over... Just close your eyes and I'll see you soon" without control my eyes closed and I passed out. This is my life..... I'm trapped forever.

48 hours later

I flinched and opened my eyes. I looked around and noticed I was still in the same room. No one cares about me! Absolutely no one! I tried to stand up but I couldn't. I don't wanna die in my nightmares house. I slowly rolled onto my side and winced before rolling onto my back. I put my blood stained hands on the floor before pushing myself up. I heard a crack and I cried out before slapping a hand over my mouth. I waited a few minutes to see if Henry would come but he never did. I very carefully scooted over to the window before using the window as help and I pulled myself up more. I looked out the window and cried helplessly as absolutely no one was there.... I'm alone.... Why don't I just end it all?! No one knows I'm gone and if they did then they would be looking for me. I collapsed back down on the floor and let out a gasp feeling the pain gaining on me again. I'm absolutely done for.

I opened my eyes as I heard shouting. It sounded like someone was shouting my name but that's absolutely impossible! I gripped the window sill before pulling myself up again. It was dark outside but five men with lights and a few other people were looking in the alleys and shouting my name "dawn!!" the man with dark hair from a few days ago yelled and I instantly knew this was my only chance. I screamed at the top of my lungs and slammed my fists against the window "PLEASE!!!!" I watched as the man looked towards the window and I continued to scream but before I could get anything else out I felt arms wrap around me and Henry slammed me onto the floor starting to kick my head in.

Harry's POV
I watched as the young girl was throw to the floor "guys over here!!" I shouted. I ran towards the house. It was all in slow motion. I managed to kick the door open and I ran in. Bone chilling screams filled my ears and I ran as fast as I could up the stairs before noticing a boy who was much older than her. I grabbed him and pushed him against the wall before slamming my fist into his stomach over and over again until blood streamed down his chin. I glared before pushing him onto the floor. I bent down beside the girl and I tried to make her feel safe but then I noticed she looked so familiar. I must be going crazy. I shook it off "hey hey Dawn. Stay with me" I whispered. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and I looked at the guys helplessly "she's like a China doll.... She's easily breakable and I don't know how to move her" liam sighed "harry we'll find a way.... We always do"

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