Homeless, Hurt, Found

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This is for @beachgirl424 hope you like this one ❤️💚💙💕💖

Ray's POV
I whimpered and curled more into myself. This group of girls all looking like sluts came up to me then beat the crap out of me, that's why I'm in this position now. I bit my lip soft cries falling from my mouth "I know it's bad for me but I've gotta let the stress go alright?!" came a loud voice causing me to flinch. I looked around until my eyes set on a man who had a cigarette between his lips, he was outside of a tour bus. I slowly sat up wincing as my bones cracked I looked closer and noticed the man had slightly scruffy hair and it was brown. "louis get in! Forgods sake!" I looked tawards another man who had brown curly hair "Harry stop it! Just stop!" the man who I'm guessing is Louis threw his cigarette to the ground before stomping on it, he then began walking up the stairs. As the door shut I slowly stood up, my legs shaking violently. I felt numb and I had many scratches all over me. Incase you couldn't tell yes I'm homeless and yes people hate me. "oh looks its the wittle girl again" came a snotty voice. I looked to my left and noticed the group of girls again, my eyes widened and I began to panic. The blonde one pushed me to the ground before kicking my stomach repeatedly as another began punching my head. I let out a loud scream... I'm going to die aren't I? Yep I'm gonna die! As my thoughts got painfully loud I heard a loud voice "oi! Get out of here now! Leave the poor girl alone. Jesus christ!" I whimpered and opened my eyes slightly "oh my god its Liam payne!" one girl exclaimed "oh Liam... We–we weren't doing anything" another said. My lip quivered and my body shook out of control "no... Girls you cannot treat others like fucking animals! Now get out of here before I call the police" the girls fell silent before they all ran off. "hey... Are you alright?" I held my hand out to him and he grabbed my hand gently squeezing it "I'm Liam... And you are?" I winced as he helped me sit up "I'm Ray" I whispered weakly "nice to meet you Ray... Do you want to come with me back to the bus so we can clean you up" I shook my head "no it's alright... I'll be fine" I whimpered "Ray honey you're not fine..." I sighed looking away knowing he was right. He stood up smiling softly at me "cmon love" he held his hand out and I swallowed anxiously, I looked away not wanting to seem weak in front of him and I didn't exactly trust men. "Ray" his soft voice brang me out of my trance and I stared at his hand "cmon lovely. I won't hurt you" I sighed before slowly moving my hand tawards his, my hand was shaking way to much but Liam didn't seem to mind. "you can trust me Ray... I promise" I nodded before looking into his eyes. I gripped his hand and he squeezed my hand before gently pulling me up, I cried out and lifted my foot up "ok babe... Its OK" Liam said sadly. I gripped both of his hands feeling pain spiral through my ankle "lads! I need some help!" Liam yelled causing me to flinch. He wrapped an arm around me, stabilising me slightly. A few minutes later two other men walked out "hey love. What happened to you?" the first one asked, he had an Irish accent. I shook my head before trying to get closer to Liam "we'll talk about it more inside... Niall can you help hold her up on that side and louis can you stand behind her to make sure she doesn't fall but if she does you can catch her. Both of them did it and I gripped niall's shoulder with a shaky hand. As I began limping with them they began talking to each other about something "Harry!" Liam yelled. Harry appeared near the door and once he saw me his eyes widened "jesus..." he whispered coming down the steps "can you jump love?" he asked. "I can lift her" Liam said. I looked around confused, suddenly I was lifted from the ground and my legs wrapped around Harry's back and I then wrapped my arms around his neck. As harry gave me a piggy back he bounced me up and down and I gripped him tighter, he then laid me on the sofa "what happened– oh my life! What happened to this poor girl?!" came a loud voice causing me to cower away. Liam wrapped an arm around me "7 girls were beating her up... Zayn go grab me some hot water, plasters and other necessary items" zayn nodded and I rested my head on liams shoulder. Zayn walked back in and I gripped liam's t-shirt. Zayn looked dangerous "it's alright sweetheart" I nodded taking deep breaths.

Niall knelt in front of me and began wiping my nose with a cloth, I flinched away burying my face in liam's shoulder. "hey babe it's alright... If its painful just squeeze my hand" Harry said putting his hand out. I took his hand looking at his tattoos "hey look up princess" I looked up and niall wiped my lip softly. I whimpered and liam rubbed my back "where else did they hurt you?" louis asked. I pointed to my stomach but I didn't want them to see my stomach. "your tummy? Can I lift your tshirt?" I whimpered, shaking my head. "we won't judge you... Think of us as friends or brothers... Not strangers alright?" I nodded anxiously. Niall slowly lifted up my t-shirt and they all made horrified faces. I looked down and I honestly nearly threw up in my mouth. I cried loudly burying my head into liam's shoulder again."it looks like... A murder scene!" I sobbed loudly. Liam shushed me kissing my forehead repeatedly. Niall gently rubbed my stomach before zayn began checking my head "guys I think her head needs some TLC" (Tender Loving Care) zayn said looking concerned. Harry stood up and looked at my head before grabbing a cloth and dunking it in the water, he gently rubbed my head with the cloth "that's a pretty bad gash but it's fine... Not that bad" Harry knelt down again and I grabbed his hand. "there we go... All cleaned up" niall said smiling. I smiled slightly before hugging Liam close. I gripped Harry's hand still not wanting to let go "do I have to go back on the street?" I asked already knowing it wouldn't be good news.

"of course not Ray! You're part of the family!" a large smile foujd it's way onto my lips and I hugged each boy tightly "thank you... I love you" I whispered so thankful that Liam had found me.

Hope you liked this one ❤️ 💚 💙 💖 💕

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