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This is for 19fischerss hope you like this one ❤️💚 💙 💖 💕

Shay's POV
"aww babe" my brother Harry cooed, rubbing my hand softly. I groaned in response burying my head in my pillow "I don't think I can make it tonight" I whispered, coughing into my hand. Liam came up to me smiling softly he rubbed my shoulder, pouting slightly "I don't blame you love, don't worry though... Everyone will understand" I smiled and nodded. Niall walked in eyes glued to the screen, he looked up and smiled at me "Paul's waiting outside in the van... We need to go" Harry and liam stood up. "will you be alright kitten?" Harry asked concerned. I nodded "I'll be fine" he looked unsure but he nodded. He kissed my forehead before smiling at me "love you princess! See you in a few hours!" niall called over his shoulder. I nodded and waved. I curled into a ball as my stomach began aching, I closed my eyes deciding to try and get some sleep.

I awoke to a stabbing pain in my stomach and head. I cried out, holding my stomach tightly I tried to get up but I couldn't. It felt as if I had a weight on my shoulders, I tried to stand up again and finally I managed. As I straightened out I immediately hunched myself over as I felt my stomach squeeze and do back flips. I stumbled into the bathroom, immediately leaning against the toilet and letting the contents of my stomach out. I groaned in pain, slowly bending down. I slowly moved myself so I was laying on the cold tiles and I let out a quiet satisfied groan. I closed my eyes cringing slightly as I felt the sweat sliding down my forehead. "Harry!" I sobbed knowing it was no use. I slowly sat up cringing as I got really dizzy, I searched through my pockets until I found my phone. I picked it up, turning it on. It flashed slightly then turned off signifying it had died. I laid down sighing angrily. I hate being ill!

Harry's POV
"that was awesome!" zayn exclaimed jumping up and down. I chuckled and got out of the van. Doing concerts can be very tiring "you look tired haz" louis said throwing an arm over my shoulder. I smiled tawards him, nodding slightly. As we got to the top of the stairs I heard a little voice yelling my name, I looked around confused before shrugging it off. As we got to our room I heard it more clearly "shay! Fuck!" louis exclaimed. I cursed under my breath before inserting the key and rushing in, I threw my bag onto the bed "shay?!" I looked around the room until my eyes landed on the bathroom door. I ran up to the door, pushing it open quickly. My eyes widened as I noticed my sister laid on the ground she looked like a sheet! She was that pale! I knelt down beside her before picking her up bridal style, niall flushed the toilet and I watched in horror as her head fell to the side and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "fuck me!" I yelled. I rushed into the main room before laying shay down "Liam get me a cold cloth, louis come here and hold her head up, niall go get some medicine and zayn just be ready to call for an ambulance OK" all the boys nodded. Louis came over and held Shay's head up "actually put her head down and lift her legs up... That will circulate blood back to her head" louis nodded, standing on the bed. He grabbed her feet before lifting them up and holding them against his chest. Liam rushed in with a cold cloth, he placed it on her forehead and I held her hand. "shay honey. Cmon" zayn said looking worried.

As I sat in silence I watched as niall ate a slice of pizza greedily. I sighed and looked tawards shay again, her eyes shot up and she sat up quickly causing the cloth to fall onto the bed "Harry! No! No! No" she cried "baby shhh I'm right here... We're all here" I comforted. She gripped my hands tightly squeezing them a few times before blinking rapidly, she threw her arms around my neck crying loudly "alright... Alright sweetie... Shhh" I whispered into her ear. "niall give me that medicine" niall nodded throwing a spoon and the two bottle of medicine at me. "babe... Hey I've got some medicine for you" shay pulled back and I smiled softly at her. I opened the bottle before pouring the liquid onto the spoon. She took both medicines quickly before she laid down. I nodded at zayn and he passed me the bucket that he had gotten from the receptionist. I placed it on the bedside cabinet before slowly kissing her forehead "Li! Li!" she exclaimed. I looked at Liam and liam smiled walking over and laying down next to her "haz" she whispered looking at me. I smiled slightly before laying down next to her on the other side "we love you shay" I whispered. She smiled slightly before closing her eyes fully. "sleep well my love"

Hope you liked this one 💕💖💙💚❤️

Q- Liam, niall, harry

Kiss, cuddle, marry

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