Pass Out

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This is for @emxly0912 I hope you like this one ❤️💕💞💜😘🥰💓💜💞💕❤️

Emily's POV
I held onto Calum's hand and smiled widely at everyone watching as they left. We said our goodbyes and finally our house was quiet again. "finally" I whispered. Calum smiled and kissed my head keeping his hand in mine before walking me towards the kitchen. I had been feeling really faint and I don't know why. I've eaten perfectly fine and kept myself hydrated but I'm just so dizzy.

Around twenty minutes later my headache had gotten worse and calum seemed to notice. He rubbed my back before looking at me concerned "you don't look to good. I'll go get you a drink" I nodded and sighed taking a deep breath trying to calm down. Calum came back a few minutes later with a glass of juice and he handed it to me helping guide it to my lips. I took tiny sips and soon enough the room began to spin. I whimpered and began to shake. Calum tried to comfort me but soon enough blackness surrounded me.

Calum's POV
As she collapsed in my arms I immediately picked her up and went to the built in clinic. I lied her down before pouring water onto my fingers and pouring some water onto her head trying to wake her but she just wouldn't wake up. I stared at her concerned before lying her more back and grabbing my stethoscope and checking her before opening her eyes and checking them "okay..." I signed and cleaned her arm off before tying a band around her arm and getting the needle ready. I pushed the needle in and took the blood I needed. I kissed her head before taking the blood to the lab and starting to test it.

An hour later

I checked the blood again and I furrowed my eyebrows before standing up and rushing back to the room. Emily was still fast asleep. I got the ultrasound machine and put some gel on her tummy before putting the probe on her tummy and starting to check. My eyes widened. The bloods were correct. She was pregnant. I smiled really happy before I rubbed her shoulder and shook her gently "babe wake up. Wake up please" she gasped and her eyes opened. I smiled and rubbed her shoulder "hey baby girl. You passed out but it's okay."

Emily's POV
I awoke and there he was. Calum smiled at me and I slowly sat up. He explained everything to me before he cleared his throat "okay I took a test of your blood and you're pregnant" my eyes widened "wait what? Calum this better not be a joke!" he raises his hands in defence. "this isn't a joke! I even did an ultrasound and you're pregnant" I covered my mouth and began to cry happy tears "hey baby don't cr-" I cut him off "baby they're happy tears" he nodded and smiled widely before kissing my head. "we're going to be the best parents ever" it's honestly a bit of a shock but I'm so happy

I hope you liked this one ❤️💕💞💜💓🥰😘

Q- are you still in school? I've got to start school again tomorrow

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