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This is for 19fischerss I hope you like this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💗💗💕💕💜💜💜💜💓💓🥰🥰🥰

Shay's POV
I was sat at the bar humming a soft tune. My boyfriend Harry stood up and kissed my head "I'll be back babe I'm just going to the toilet" I smiled and nodded watching him walk away. I turned back around and noticed a girl next to me she had blonde hair and blue eyes "you're shaylee right?" she asked with attitude "um yeah I am... May I ask why? I prefer shay" she looked me up and down "okay shaylee. Is your boyfriend harry styles?" I began to feel a bit angry "yes. Please call me shay. Why?" she smiled before she swiped her hand across my cheek "what the fuck?!" I yelled standing up "HE WAS MEANT TO BE MINE!" she screamed. I glared and crossed my arms over my chest before I shoved her to the ground. She stood up quickly and began to punch me I punched her back and she pushed me down before climbing on top of me and punching me harder and harder and harder. I squirmed until I was able to push her off of me and get on top of her. I slammed my fist into her face and soon enough I was lifted up and I kicked my legs trying to hit her. I was carried outside and pressed against the wall "oi! Calm the hell down shay!" harry shouted but tried to be as calm as possible. "she started-" he cut me off "I don't care who started it shay" he held me against the wall until I had calmed down. I collapsed into his arms sobbing loudly and gripping him tightly. "oh jesus shay she really got you didn't she. Fuck" he brushed his thumb against my lip and shook his head as a lot of blood came out. I whimpered and he pulled me to the car and helped me get in.

As we got home harry took me in keeping an arm around me. He sat me down and got a few things to clean me up. He rubbed the cloth over my face before putting a plaster on the cut on my chin before holding a bit of cotton onto my lip. He then started to rub the cut on my head I whimpered and squeezed my eyes tightly shut "okay love that's going to need stitches" he wiped the blood away and cleaned it as best as he could before picking a needle up from his medical bag "okay this is going to numb you up okay" I nodded shakily and took deep breaths. Harry injected me and I flinched biting my lip and trying to hold in my tears. He pulled away before looking into my eyes "you can cry love" I got closer to him and hid my face in the crook of his neck crying hard. He rubbed my back and held me extremely close "I've got you sweetheart"

"okay you're going to feel some pressure but I promise it's okay" I nodded and closed my eyes. He began to stitch me up and I gripped his t-shirt tightly whilst sobbing but trying to stay as still as possible. As he finished up he put a plaster over the stitch and kissed my cheek "all done sweetie. Now" he smiled and put everything away before pulling me onto his lap

"cuddle time"

Hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️💜💜🥰🥰💜💜💗💞💞💞💞💞

Q- have you ever smelt harry or given him or one of the other boys a hug?

Me- no but I want to!!!

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