Attempted Suicide

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Okay a quick warning before I start. This one will mention topics of suicide, depression, eating disorders, mental asylums, hospitals, sadness and all that stuff so if you don't like this please don't read....

This is for @Butterzsxcvfd I hope you like this one 💙💜❤️😍🥰😘🤩 also I know you wanted the 1d boys to be the mental asylum doctors but I accidently switched it around. Sorry. I'm extremely tired xx

Juliet's POV
"are you okay Juliet? You haven't been acting yourself" I look up and smile at niall before nodding slowly "yeah I'm fine... Just tired" I say softly. He nods before letting out a soft sigh "hun... Why do you always say that? It's like you're trying to hide something from me" I slowly look up and stare into his eyes my mood on the edge of swinging out of control completely "I'm fine niall! Just drop it!" niall goes quiet before sighing "you don't need to hide anything from me.... I'm your brother" I stand up quickly "nothings wrong with me!!! Just stop it! Jesus christ!!" I rush off but immediately feel terrible even though I was numb inside. Why can't I just be myself again?!

I've given up completely. I want to do this. No one will care. I sigh and slowly stand on the balcony edge which lead straight down to an iron fence with long spikes on the end. I smile and close my eyes shuffling forwards slowly. "Juliet I found this in your- Juliet! What the hell are you doing?!" I take deep breaths "niall don't watch this.... I'm going to go and not be a nuisance around this world anymore" I hear a slight ringing sound in my head. Shit.... My energy levels are coming down more. I haven't been eating I'm just so fat and I hate it. "Juliet you're not a nuisance. Please come down!!" I try to answer him but all I can do is mutter something and my legs weaken and I fall forwards....

Niall's POV
I ran towards her and grabbed her foot just in time. I struggled to pull her up from how much my hands were trembling. I lied her down on the ground and tried to wake her up. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I screamed Harry's name completely worn down.... Just shattered. Harry rushed in and his eyes widened "louis is still at the hospital. He finishes his shift in an hour... Lets get her there now" harry didn't ask any questions as he seemed to understand the whole thing going on. I held Juliet tightly whispering encouraging words into her ear trying to stay calm. Was I going to be the cause of her death? Was I a terrible brother? Did I say something that would've made her want to end it all? I was pulled out of my thoughts by harry grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze "niall she'll be fine.... Don't you dare blame yourself." I sigh softly and smile a bit before leaning my head back trying to calm my breathing.

As we got to the hospital I rushed Juliet in and lied her down on the bed. Louis, Liam and zayn then ran in and they began to hook different things onto her. They checked her breathing before sighing "okay she's going to be fine.... She passed out from lack of food and she was extremely dehydrated" I nod and hold Juliet's hand. She's going to be okay. My baby is going to be okay. "I'm going to help you sweetie... We're all going to help you" the puzzle pieces started to make sense in my head and I instantly knew she hadn't been eating but that pushes me to help her further... She's not going through this alone.

Juliet's POV (a month later)
I've actually managed to consume real meals. I've done that for about 7 weeks now. It was pretty easy at first but now it's getting really hard. It feels like I'm going to explode and my brain is not being kind to me... "you still have to squeeze into your jeans but you're perfect to me" harry sang on the radio. I closed my eyes and began to cry softly "see... Harry wants me to kill myself! Why did niall stop me! I'm not perfect! I'm so fat!! I'm a fat girl!!! I'm not a pretty girl I'm a fat ugly stupid girl!" I yelled into my mirror. I slammed the door leading to the balcony open before jumping. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for impact but none came. I opened my eyes before breaking down again as I noticed the net that the guys had built in so I wouldn't be able to jump off and hurt myself. I cried angrily before looking up and looking at niall who looked very disappointed. I'm always a disappointment.... I'm used to it.

Three days later

"where are we going?" I asked. Harry rubbed my back and smiled sadly "for your own sake we're going to a... Health centre..." I could see harry was trying to pick the right words to use. I stared at him angrily before shaking my head deciding I won't be talking to them any time soon. As we arrived louis helped me out and tried to talk to me but I wouldn't listen. I don't care anymore. As we got to the desk I heard a very familiar person say my name and specific details about me "wrist" I gave the man a weird look before he nodded towards the familiar man. That was Ashton! Niall's friend! Ashton grabbed both of my wrists gently but not gently. He showed both of my wrists to the man behind the desk before a band was wrapped around my wrist "go to room 227. That's your new house" at this point I was absolutely terrified. I looked backwards at the boys wishing they could help. Niall had tears streaming down my cheeks. "I HATE YOU!!" I screamed and the boys walked niall out. That's not true.... I don't hate niall... Its just my emotions right now.


"you have to take your medicine and your food!" I shook my head and looked at luke sadly. "josh you can go... I'll deal with this" josh walked out and luke came over "cmon you need to have something to eat kid... Its not right that you're starving yourself" I shrugged. I have gone mute to be honest. I don't care about life anymore. "fine Juliet. I'm sorry but this has to happen" I was mainly sad with my brother and his friends... They didn't care that I wasn't eating. They think I'm stupid and worthless. Luke titled my head back with some force. I tried to escape but I couldn't. Ashton and calum held my down whilst Michael held my head still. I screamed and watched as they got the tube ready. Luke used some force before putting the tube down my throat. I hated it. It was disgusting. They can't treat me like this! I cried softly and watched as the food started coming up the tube. I couldn't do anything.... I was being forced.

I woke up the next morning the soft crying. I opened my eyes and noticed niall before trying to get away from him but before I could he grabbed me and held me in his arms keeping me close and not letting me go. Being so close to him made me feel warm.... Like everything was going to be okay. I cried into his shoulder and he rubbed my back and just held me "I'm going to get you through this princess... No matter how hard it is.... I'm going to get you through this and I promise I'm never gonna do something like this again. I'm so sorry." I shook my head slowly staying quiet "please talk" he whimpered looking all broken. He pressed his palms to my cheeks and stared into my eyes tears trickling down both of our cheeks "it's okay niall" I whispered softly. He gripped me and just cried unable to stop his emotions "I love you niall....." I try to stay strong and I squeeze his hand "we're gonna get through this.... We always do"

12 long months later

I smile and finally walk out of the doors. I was free and felt absolutely amazing. I pulled niall in for a hug and gripped him tightly. He held me before picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and smiled as all the other boys pulled us into a group hug. I smiled widely before whispering into his ear "see.... We made it" niall nodded and kissed my cheek "we definitely did! Who's proud of Juliet?!!" all the boys shouted "we are" and I smiled happily.... I finally felt normal.... I felt like a normal happy person again. I've got the old me back..... Thank god.

I hope you liked this one ❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💜💜💜💙💙😍😍😘😘🥰

Q- favourite joke? I need something to laugh at as I'm a bit sad ❤️❤️❤️:-(

Word count: 1547

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