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This is for MariamGeorge699 hope you like this one ❤️🖤💜

Mariam's POV
"Haz. I'm not even joking give me it back... Please Harry." Harry just stuck his tongue out at me and flaunted my phone around. I reached up to grab it but he was too tall "Harry!!! Come on!!! Pleaseeeeeee" he chuckled and I looked towards Liam for help but he was staring at his phone, zayn was messing with his hair, niall was eating food and Louis... Wait what the hell is he doing? "Louis what are you doing?" he looked at me before raising an eyebrow "I'm making sure this carrot is alive" I went to question him but before I could I saw Harry run off "Harry!!! No come back here! Right now!" he laughed loudly and ran up the stairs "Harry flipping hell!!!!" he continued to run and I ran after him. I looked around not being able to see him until his head popped out from the door and he waved "mariam come get it babe" I glared at him "Harry I'm warning you. Give it back" he smirked and walked to the window before opening it and hanging my phone out of the window "Harry please... Its got all my memories on it... Please!" he smirked again before looking out of the window "the pool is down there... Your phone will just go into the water—" I cut him off quickly "well you will get my phone back out then!" he chuckled and shook his head "nope that wouldn't happen" I glared at him "Harry I'm part of one direction just don't drop my phone... Please." with one swift motion he put my phone underneath the tap "Harry! No that's gonna destroy my phone!!!" he pulled it back out then turned the tap back off before drying my phone off "what did you say babe?" I looked away from him and ignored him "fine... Hey mariam... Too late" I looked at him and my eyes widened "my phone!! Harry did you drop it?!" he only nodded and I ran. I ran downstairs and outside I went to jump into the pool but before I could my foot twisted and I fell headfirst into the shallow end of the pool. My head banged against the floor and I cried out, fighting to get back up to the surface. I heard muffled shouts before bubbles surrounded me and a pair of strong arms wrapped around me pulling me up. I coughed loudly gripping Harry tightly I buried my head in the crook of his neck sobbing and gagging "Harry why would you do that?! I nearly died!!" his fingers ran through my damp hair and he whispered sweet nothings into my ear "I'm sorry baby girl I'm so sorry" he carried me out of the pool where Liam was waiting with a towel. Liam wrapped it around me and I sniffled "there's no doubt in my mind that you will get a cold" I nodded agreeing with him. Harry carried me inside and placed me on the sofa before wrapping his arms around me "I'll go get you a cup of tea alright love" I nodded at Louis and laid my head on Harry's shoulder. His hand continued to rub my back and suddenly I threw up water all over Harry "oh baby... Its OK" he pressed a kiss to my forehead holding me closer "let's just warm you up first then we can change" I nodded and smiled at niall as he wrapped his arms around me "hey princess. Niallers got you" I smiled "no nialler hazzas got her!" I giggled as they both began to argue "she's my girl niall... My. Girl" niall put his hands up in defence and I giggled again before relaxing against Harry. I love him so much.

Hope you liked this one ❤️💜🖤💕💖

Q- do you like swimming?

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