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This is for @Jessfairchild16 I hope you like this one 😘😘😍😍🥰🥰❤️❤️💞💞💓💓💓💓

Jess' POV
I whimpered and curled up more using the newspaper as a blanket. I was numb, cold, broken, hurt and just disgusting. No one wanted me. I've given up to be completely honest. I've even imagined how I could die but of course you did without knowing unless you just do it on purpose which I feel like doing now. My head was pounding, my eyes were blurry and my body was aching. I had just once again been put through the torture from the kids in this town. I want to die.

I woke up with a start and whimpered looking around terrified. Although I'm 17 I still have a fear of darkness. I knew the shadows were out to get me... Its ovbious. As I curled up and sobbed more uncontrollably I heard what sounded like one man talking to himself concerned "hello?" he couldn't possibly be talking to me


"is anyone here? I have a hand and I'm not afraid to use it if you go ninja style on me......" I closed my eyes and bit my lip shaking. As I looked up again I met eyes with a man with brown hair and ocean blue eyes. I screamed and he let out a high pitch scream."HARRY!!!" I sobbed into my arms and shook my head "no please!" it all fell silent and I felt a presence infront of me. "hey sweetheart... What's your name?" a raspy voice asked and I looked up. Why is he being nice? "I'm harry and that's louis" he smiles kindly before taking my hand in his a look of concern on his face as I flinched "hey I'm not gonna hurt you love" I whimpered "they all say that sir" his eyes widened slightly "call me harry hun" I nodded shakily and bit my lip. Louis knelt down infront of me and smiled sweetly "what happened to you?" he asked his face growing concerned as well "the kids of this town" I whispered "how old are you?" I closed my eyes and shook my head "okay why not we take you back to our place and we'll clean you up and make you all better" louis offered. I looked at both of them before shrugging and nodding. If they were bad atleast they had me in their home so they could kill me. Harry held his hand out and I took it giving him a slight smile as he pulled me up and louis put his hand on my back making sure I was balanced. "can you walk love?" I nodded and smiled before starting to limp. "and no you can't" harry said as he picked me up bridal style. I let out a slight scream but Harry rubbed my back which calmed me down slightly.

As we got to their home louis opened the door and harry sat me down on the sofa. Louis got some equipment before kneeling down infront of my and harry turned the lights on. As they started to check me I didn't make eye contact. They started to rub the blood off of my face and arms before checking everywhere else "those assholes will pay sweetie" I shook my head "no they won't. They never do. They've done it countless times" both boys shared the same saddened look before they welcomed me into a warm hug "Well you're safe now sweetie and I promise we'll look after you" I nodded and smiled softly.

I cuddled into Harry's chest my legs on louis' lap as we watched the move. "jess" I whispered softly. Harry looked down "what?" I smiled "my names jess" harry smiled widely "that's a wonderful name sweetheart. It's lovely to meet you jess" louis smiled and nodded "welcome to the family little one" I giggled "I'm not little loubear. I'm 17" louis' eyes bulged out of his head "wow I did not expect that" he chuckles and joins the hug with harry.

I've been living with harry and Louis for around 20 months now and I feel like family so I decided to take it to the next level. I walked into the living room and smiled "hey haz... This came in the post" I smile and he takes it before opening it. He reads through the letter and his smiles gets wider and he tears up "of course sweetheart!" louis walked in and smiled "of course what Harry?" harry pulled me into his arms

"of course I'll be your dad" I smiled and cried into his shoulder making sure to grip him tightly before welcoming Louis into the hug as well. "I love you both so so much"

"and we love you so so much too love"

I hope you liked this one 💓💓💞💞💞❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😍😍😘😘😘💜💜💜😘😍😍😍🥰🥰❤️❤️💞💞💓💓💓

Q- your favourite song from harry, Liam, niall, Louis, zayn?

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