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This is for MariamGeorge699 I hope you like this one ❤️💜💞💕💓❤️💜💞💕

Mariam's POV
I giggled and squealed running around not caring how I looked. I twirled around before seeing my best friend and running at her before jumping on her back. I laughed loudly and she began spinning around causing me to hold onto her tightly. Yes we are drunk but come on we're on vacation and allowed to do whatever. I jumped off her back before running to the speaker and getting onto my knees and turning it on I smiled widely as my favourite band came on. I screamed loudly gaining attention but not really caring. "I love this song!!" I nodded and jumped up and down excited "OUR FAVOURITE CONVERSATIONS MADE IN THE A.M" I shouted before spinning around wildly. I caught eyes with a young man who looked really familiar. He smiled and waved I waved back before continuing to dance.

A few minutes later I was dancing even more really happy. As I continued I felt myself fall and my leg scraped against something really sharp. I yelped and felt a horrible pain but it was slightly numb. I sat up and my eyes widened. I screamed out of fear and soon enough I was pushed onto my back and the man I looked at smiled "hey hey its okay sweetheart. Can you tell me your name? I'm harry" he smiles softly. "i-I'm Mariam" I whimpered. He nodded and smiled "lovely name sweetheart. That's zayn, louis, liam and niall. Louis and niall are doctors. They're going to help okay" I shook from shock but nodded. My friend, who hated blood, stayed far away her eyes wide with shock and panic. Zayn stood up and walked over to her before comforting her as much as possible. As the pain got worse I began to cry. "okay let's take her to the clinic." the others nodded and harry picked me up. I whimpered and bit my lip squeezing my eyes tightly shut.

As we got into the clinic I was lied on the bed my eyes were barely open. Louis poured some water onto the cut and I cried squeezing my eyes shut. Harry held my hand "you're doing so well mariam so so well" I nodded and watched as niall and Louis began to check my leg further. "okay princess. You've got a very large piece of glass stuck in your leg. I'll need to pull it out. Do you give me permission to do that?" I looked at each face in the room before nodding slowly "y-yes" niall smiles softly "thank you" he grabs some tweezers before very carefully starting to try and get the glass out. I squeezed Harry's hand even tighter and began to breathe heavily "hey mariam love focus on me" I looked into his eyes and he smiled "deep breaths" I obeyed and did as he asked making sure to not let go of him.

I cried out as the glass was pulled out and I lied my head down breathing heavily again. Harry rubbed my hand and whispered words of encouragement into my ear. "okay darling we're going to need to do stitches. I'm going to give you an injection first to make you numb" I nodded not really caring anymore. Harry squeezed my hand and liam played with my hair. As the injection went in I covered my face with my arm and screamed slightly. "good girl good girl we're so proud of you"

Twenty minutes later

I was numb by now and louis and niall were setting up. I watched as louis held my leg still and harry made me look at him. I stared into his eyes and he smiled "you're doing so so well" I closed my eyes and took deep even breaths. I'm glad they were on the beach when this happened.

"okay all done" louis put a plaster over the stitch and I smiled "thank you so much. I really appreciate it" I have harry a hug before giving the rest of the boys a hug. They're so kind! As I was about to leave harry grabbed my hand and smiled before giving me a card with all of their numbers on it. I grinned thanking him softly. We're going to be greatest of friends.

I hope you liked this one 💕💞💜❤️💓💓❤️💞

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