Beaten Up

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This is for Rosequeen365 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️💕💕💕💜💜🥰🥰😘😘🤩🤩😍😍😍 Okay so this is also my last ever chapter on this book!! I'm going to make a fourth book!! Thank you guys for coming on this ride with me ❤️❤️❤️

Jessie's POV
I walked out of class and towards the field. I pulled my phone and headphones out giggling at my lock screen. It was of me, my brother Ryan who is a YouTube creater and our dog tilly and we were pulling faces at the camera looking like complete idiots. I shake my head before sighing. I bump into something hard and I drop my phone I look up and go to say sorry but I'm cut off as I see who it is. Matt and Tony were stood their smirks on their faces "oh cmon guys... Its Friday" I whisper worriedly "so? That doesn't matter" they laugh and I pick my phone up and I scream as matt jumps on me causing me to fall over my face smacking into the ground. I cry out and they both laugh before matt lifts my head up before slamming my head back down causing a snapping sound to erupt. I whimper as they begin to kick me all over. I've been through this too many times so I'm used to it but no one should ever be used to someone beating them up. It hurts. As they left me I whimpered and tried to stand up but I couldn't. I collapsed back on the floor the pain in me getting worse. I swallow hard before forcing myself to stand up hearing a cracking sound but I ignored it. I took slow steps forwards and took deep breaths the pain increasing but I only had my mind set on one thing. I have to get home.

I got to the door and opened it I smelt the homely smell and I let go. I fell onto the floor letting out a cry. Ryan appears with a big smile on his face but when he sees me he rushes toward me "oh my god. What the hell happened to you Jessie?! Jesus christ!" he looked at my bloody face and I coughed slightly before turning over allowing some blood to pour out of my mouth. He picked me up and rushed me to a room I hadn't seen before "I know I've never told you this.... Because of your fear and I know you haven't seen this room before but... I'm a doctor. I'm sorry I've hidden the truth but it would've stuck out like a sore thumb to you and I didn't want my own sister to be scared of me but I think telling you this right now in this situation is best." I whimper and Ryan lays me down on the bed pulling out different equipment and tools." okay I'm sorry but this may sting" I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut as he began to rub the blood off my skin with an alcohol wipe. It stung so bad but I knew it was for the best. He did a few more things before he sighed looking like he was trying to find the right words to say "okay love... I'm going to need to give you an injection and I know you won't like that but it's for the best" I shook my head wildly and forced myself to move backwards on the bed until I was against the headboard. I sobbed loudly and shook my head. Ryan rushed to me and held me "Jessie please.... I just want to make you better. Please let me do this sweetie" I shook my head "n-no! It's so scary!!" I cried. He nodded "I know baby girl but I just really want to help you. Please sweetie" I shook my head wildly. No.

A few more minutes of persuasion I finally agreed. Ryan smiled softly before picking the injection up "take deep breaths for me" I obey and take deep breaths squeezing my eyes shut. I feel a slight pinch and I whimper but I know that's less worse than the pain I'm experiencing right now. "okay lay down for me sweetie" I obeyed and he lifted my t-shirt up before starting to press down on my tummy. I cried out and he nodded "okay I think the only thing they've broken is three ribs so what you'll need is many days of rest. No more school and no more days out" I nod slowly and he does a few more things before picking me up and taking me to my room. He lies me down and tucks me in before kissing my head "now get some rest" I gripped his hand tightly and he smiled understanding the gesture. He got in beside me pulling me into his chest and holding me tight. He kissed my cheek and held me tight "I love you sweetie.... I'm never going to let those assholes do that ever again" I nod thankfully at him and just cuddle him close. Best brother ever.

I hope this was okay ❤️❤️❤️😍😍🤩🤩😘😘🥰💜💜💜💕💕♥️🖤🖤🤩🤩😍😍😍


This book comes to an end but thank you for everything.

Word count: 938

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