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This is for @misswhatever0 I hope you like this one ❤️❤️💞💞🥰🥰💕💕💜💜💜💕🥰💞

Katie's POV
As harry looked at me I smiled at him and watched as he tucked into the pizza. The other boys were laughing and joking around whilst eating food "not hungry?" harry asked. I smiled "I'm usually full up by one piece haz. Don't worry" he nods and continues to talk to the others and they all continued to shout over each other and make silly jokes. I smile and stare down at my hands before it all falls silent and I look up to notice all of them staring at me "yes?" I asked and they all stared at me concerned "you aren't being yourself love" I looked at them all confused and a bit worried "what? Me? No I'm fine" I smiled and giggled before looking down at my phone to avoid the awkwardness. They all nodded "okay well let's play hide and seek! Who's gonna be it?" I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head "no I don't wanna play a game. My legs ache" I said trying to seem okay. Niall stared at me before shaking his head "something is ovbiously wrong." I shook my head frustrated with them asking all the questions before I buried my head in my knees and began to break down. Harry immediately wrapped me up in a hug and held me tight "hey what's wrong? What's wrong babe?" I gripped him tightly and just sobbed. "I wanna die!" harry looked shocked and the others looked mortified "hey no dont say that. Why would you say that love?" I continued to cry hysterically "I'm depressed. I-I'm sorry I haven't told any of you but I'm depressed. I'm not eating well and I'm just always so sad and I hate it! I hate myself and I just wish my life would end! I've got a therapist and he's always trying to help me but sometimes it just gets worse" harry held me tight and played with my hair "who's your therapist love?" liam asked "calum" I whispered softly. They all nodded and pulled me close. I whimpered and held onto Harry even tighter "darlin come here" louis said softly. I walked over to him and he sat me down beside him and wrapped his arm around me "do you want us to help you?" I sniffled before looking into his eyes starting to cry again before I nodded "please louis. Please can you?" he nodded and held me tight "of course and I will definitely help you." I cried into the crook of his neck thanking him over and over again. Louis pulled me closer before putting a hand on my cheek "Katie be completely honest with me. How do you feel right now" I whimper "sad, alone, broken, hurt" I whisper. He nods and pulls me closer as harry wipes away the tears of his own "what thoughts go through your head sweetheart?" I close my eyes before opening them again and looking down "how I want to kill myself, how I'll die, how I'll hurt myself" louis stared at me sadly before all the boys pulled me in for a group hug "we all love you and we'll look after you but just know you're not alone in this" I nod and harry pulls me close and cries into my shoulder "please tell me everything because you're my everything. You're not alone in this." he looks into my eyes before singing shakily "keep your head up princess don't let your crown fall know these voices in your head will make your town fall but it's okay because I'm right here to pick your crown up for you" he cuddles me closer and I finally feel the same love and affection I felt when I first met him. I'm going to get through this.

I hope you like this one ❤️❤️💞💞💞🥰🥰💕💕💕💜

Fact- I'm always here for you 💜💜💜💜

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