Dislocated Knee

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This is for misswhatever0 hope you like this one ❤️💕💖💚💙

Katie's POV
"swing your hips to the beat ladies!" my dance teacher yelled. We all began swinging our hips and dancing slightly. OK let's get this straight, I'm a dancer... I usually dance as a back up dancer but sometimes I act on television shows but I mainly dance which has ways been my dream since a little girl. "Katie swirl!" I obeyed going into a spin "good! Go do some stretches over there then do your best dance moves until you've learnt them" I nodded rushing over to the bench. I sat down before putting more comfortable shoes on, I slowly stood up before bringing my foot back so it was touching my bum. I did that a few times before stretching my arms, I did a handstand before standing up again. I slowly got into the splits before staying there for a few minutes.

"ok Katie show us your routine" I nodded and smiled at my friend who was getting the music up. As the starting beats started I began swaying slightly to the beat. I did a backhand spring as the beat got faster. I began putting my acting skills into it, I fell to my knees gripping my friends leg, pretending it was my brother who was leaving to join the army. I cried into his leg but he shook me off. I stood up before attempting a front flip but I wasn't ready. My legs went numb and I collapsed to the floor, a shooting pain firing through my knee. I gasped feeling tears swarm in my eyes. "Katie are you alright?" Emma asked looking worried. I shook violently, trying not to cry "someone call an ambulance or something!" I heard Emma on the phone before she was next to me "Liam will be here soon, he's on his shift with louis" I whimpered, nodding Slightly. Liam was my brother, a very overprotective brother. As Emma continued to hold my hand I noticed blue flashing lights. I closed my eyes allowing the tears to roll down my cheeks. "hey Katie, it's alright sweetheart" I whimpered leaning into liam's touch. "that's a dislocated knee... I'll carry her to the ambulance" louis said. Liam nodded and I whimpered slightly as Louis picked me up. I weakly lifted my head up, looking in Louis' eyes "I'm scared" I whispered. "no need to be my dear.... You're in good hands" he replied as he loaded me into the ambulance. Liam sat in the chair and nodded to louis who got into the front to drive. "ok babe I'm going to try and reset it in here. The hospital is very busy so I want to get you out of this pain. I'm going to give you some morphine" I nodded gripping my hair tightly. "the injection has to go in the knee" I cried out looking up at the ceiling of the ambulance, I shook my head staring down at my outfit. The silky trousers would definitely be hard to get off as my knee was really injured! "it's OK... We just have to cut it off" my eyes widened and more tears fell down my cheeks. "hey babe no... I will buy you a new pair alright" I nodded and he gently cut my trouser leg off.

"ok love deep breath" I breathed in deeply, crying out as the needle pierced my Already swollen knee. My shaking grew worse before I fell into liam's arms. He held me, whispering sweet nothings into my ear. As half an hour passed Liam looked at me "ok I think you're all set" I nodded, closing my eyes. "you will feel pressure but that's normal. If you feel pain just tell me" I nodded. And squeezed my eyes tightly together as the pressure was horrible. A popping sound was heard and I flinched, feeling the pain go away. "there we go" he said as he checked my knee over again. He nodded before wrapping a bandage around my red knee. "there we go..." I held liam's hand the rest of the way home

As we arrived at the hospital, Liam rushed me in. I drowsily smiled at my boyfriend, harry. His green eyes looked me over with  concern "oh my baby" he whispered kissing my forehead. I whimpered, pulling him closer "I'm here for you" he whispered. I nodded holding Harry tighter "I'm just going to take the bandage off alright princess" I nodded at niall and he unwrapped the bandage. He began checking my knee before he sighed "seems fine... I think it's better that Liam set it in the ambulance" niall said smiling slightly at me. I sighed in relief and liam squeezed my hand Softly. "just relax your knee and make sure to be sat down most of the time" Harry smirked at that and I giggled knowing that dirty thoughts were running through his mind. Liam kissed my forehead and I sighed closing my eyes. "you'll be home before long" I nodded holding both boys hands Tightly.

"we love you sweetheart"

Hope you liked this one my love 💙💚💖💕❤️

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