I Do

476 19 4

This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned. I hope you like this one ❤️💙😍🤩😘😘🥰🥰🥰😘😘🤩😍

Ember's POV
"you'll do just fine" Gemma whispered to me. I looked into her eyes and smiled a bit "I'm really scared gemma" she smiled softly "you don't need to be scared darling.... This is your big day and of course you're gonna be nervous but that's okay... Ember listen to me sweetie he loves you" she smiled and squeezed my shoulders gently. She very gently pushed the earring through my ear before doing the other one. "what-what if I mess up? What if I say something wrong? What if harry says no?!" Gemma pulls me in for a tight hug and rocks me side to side gently "shhh babe he wouldn't ever do anything like that because you're a beautiful, amazing, talented, incredible and gorgeous girl. You don't need to worry. Harry's love for you is like a waterfall... It never stops" I nod slowly and take a shaky breath. "Do I look okay?" she smiles "okay?! No! You look.... Perfect" I pull her close and just hold her tight. "Ember" I turn around and see my brother Liam. I smile and he beckons me towards him. I take a hold of his hand and he smiles "you ready?" I nod slowly and he presses a kiss to my cheek "you'll do amazing darling I promise" I nod and he sighs softly "your mind is getting the best of you again... Isn't it?" I nodded slowly and he cooed gently. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back "take deep breaths sweetheart. That's all you can do. Harry is out there already teary eyed. He's ready for you Ember... This is your time and I'm so proud" I smile feeling some nerves wash away "do you think dad will be looking down on me?" liam catches the tear that fell down my cheek with his thumb before nodding "yes baby and he's beaming... He's the sun outside baby... This day is so bright and happy because dad is watching down on his baby girl being sent off" I nod and hold onto Liam tightly. I'm ready.

I wrap my arm around Liam's arm before we start walking very slowly. I walk through the doors and stare down at the ground "keep your head up sweetie" liam whispers. I look up and look towards harry who has tears streaming down his cheeks and niall is trying to hold him together. We get closer and he smiles at me. I smile back before kissing Liam's cheek and walking up the two steps so I was next to harry. Harry gives liam a hug before turning towards me his smile not stopping and the tears cascading down his cheeks. I look at Gemma and she smiles proudly. "it's okay baby" I whisper to harry and he wipes the tears away before taking a deep breath. Harry takes my hands in his and I smile giving his hands a tight squeeze. "I love you" I whispered to harry. He smiled and kissed my hand sweetly "I love you more" I smile gently before harry looked at the priest. He nodded and smiled letting harry or I take control of this situation completely. Harry then spoke very softly and sweetly "through your tough days, through your happiest days, through your lonely days, through the days you just want to be held, through the days you just wanna be in my arms and through the days you just want my comfort and full undivided attention I'll be there no matter what.... Through tears, through pain, through laughter through everything that is a battle of emotions.... I'll always be here for you" I smiled and tried to hold my tears in. "a-and I'll always be here for you. No matter how small or silly it is I'll always be here and I'll love you no matter what..." harry smiles and wipes my tear away gently. I sniffle before taking the mic and looking at harry "I want to share this story because it's very personal for us both.... A year ago today harry and I lost someone very close to us. Our baby boy max sadly passed away from complications but we managed to spend six months of his life with him which was incredible for us... A-and harry took my abuse... I'm not proud of it... I was angry as I thought the complications were my fault so I would hurt myself but harry stuck with me... He tried to heal me but I wouldn't have any of it and I just acted like a total idiot and I'm just so sorry but I'm so thankful for you harry" he smiles and kisses my head before taking the mic and explaining a few more details before we put the mic away and looked back at each other. Now it was on the priest. The priest smiled and looked at harry "harry do you promise to never stop loving ember in obesity, sadness and anger?" harry nods "I promise" the priest looks at me "ember do you promise to never stop loving harry in obesity, sadness and anger?" I smile and nod "I-I promise" harry smiles and rubs his thumb over my hand. The priest says a few more things before I hear the words and I close my eyes "I do" harry whispers and smiles widely. I feel my heart warm up and I stare at harry happily. "I do" harry smiles before pulling me into him. He kisses me gently and sweetly not what a usual kiss would feel like. It felt like my heart was being pumped with love.

Harry wrapped his arms around me and we began to sway to the music slowly. His hands are on my waist and my arms are around his neck. I keep my head on his chest and he whispers sweet little nothings into my ear. As the song starts to come to an end I hear the crowd clapping and I look up before staring into Harry's eyes "harry.... I want to try for a baby again" he kisses my head "are you sure darling? I don't want you to feel pressured into it by my talk today-" I cut him off and held onto his face gently "I'm sure haz.... I want to make a family" he smiles and rubs my back before nodding and kissing my head "we can do that darling... I promise to make your dream come true" he rubs my cheek and smiles.

Quick note:
Okay I've never done this before but this is probably for 13+ audience and this is how the person who requested it wanted it to be like so yeah... Enjoy.

His hands trailed down my body and I closed my eyes in pure bliss. "I love you so bloody much.... My baby girl" his lips gently kiss my neck as our bodies move in a perfect rhythm. I grip his hair tightly and run my fingers through it. He pressed delicate kisses to me and made sure to be as gentle as possible "we're gonna do this baby.... We're gonna create our own little family" he whispered his heavy breathing causing him to struggle getting some words out. He repeatedly hit the right spot and that's when I completely unraveled for him. He pulled out before collapsing on the bed beside me and holding me tight. He pulled the covers over us and he pressed sweet kisses to my shoulder "I love you baby...." he smiles and places his hand on my tummy. I giggle and he smiles "what are you so giggly about munchkin... Huh?" I smile and hide my face in his neck "I want your belly" he chuckles and I smile liking the way his chest rumbled. "I knew I would regret making that a lyric" I poke his chest before kissing him softly "don't worry.... I find it cute and hot.... It drives the fans wild by the way" he smiles and pulls me close putting his face in the crook of my neck "goodnight gorgeous" I smile and turn around in his arms so he was spooning me "goodnight Harold" he chuckles and shakes his head "my silly cutie.... Get some rest" I roll my eyes "yes dad" he laughs and shakes he head again "alright that's enough. Now sleeeeeeep." I smile and close my eyes. "love you handsome"

However long it takes to form a baby (hehe sorry idk)

I walked into the doctors office keeping my hand in Harry's and gripping it tightly. I walked into the room and lied down on the bed. This is exciting but so nerve wracking. Harry tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and smiles "its okay princess. Trust me"

The doctor walked in and smiled before explaining everything that would happen. She got the ultrasound ready before putting the gel onto my tummy and smoothing it out. She put the probe on my belly and began to check. A few minutes later she smiled and wiped the gel off "you are pregnant hun" my eyes widen and harry pulls me into his arms. I squeal and he shakes me side to side gently but very happy. He looks into my eyes and presses his lips to mine "we're creating our own family!! I'm so proud ember. So fucking proud"

Skip to labour

"harry I don't think I can do this! I really can't do this. What if the baby dies? I don't want it to die!" he makes me look into his eyes whilst the nurses check "breathe. Take deep breaths... The baby is going to be fine. The doctor said the baby looked extremely healthy... Remember" I nodded and he smiled before exaggerating some deep breath to get me to follow. I followed his breaths and stayed as calm as possible. "okay ember you're ready to push" harry held my hand and smiled "squeeze my hand if you need to" I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut before starting to push. I gasped and stared at harry with wide eyes "it's okay. You're doing so so well... Deep breaths. I'm right here" I take more deep breaths and push some more. I squeeze Harry's hand tightly "good girl good girl." I see spots in my vision but focus on Harry's voice "I can see the baby's head!" after five more long pushes I finally heard the miracle sound of a baby crying. Harry smiled and had tears in his eyes "we've done it baby.... We've got our little baby" harry guts the cord and a nurse covers me up. "it's a baby boy" harry smiles and I take the baby into my arms and hold him tightly "hey baby...." I look up at harry and he rubs my cheek "can we call him Ricky?" harry smiles widely and nods "perfect name for this little angel" he kisses my head before kissing Ricky's head. I'm so lucky to have harry and so grateful to have Ricky. I hope our son is able to have the happiest life ever. Harry kisses me softly before cuddling me close. I'm so grateful and I'll forever be grateful.

I hope you liked this one 😍🤩😘😘🥰🥰💙❤️❤️💙💙😘🤩🤩🤩

I don't have questions as it's too late. Haha goodnight

Word count: 1933

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