I've Got You

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This is for the wonderful 19fischerss I hope you like this one and I hope it helps you find some comfort and closure. All the love A xxx

Shay's POV
Tears streamed down my cheeks. It was like the world was turning on me. Everything was going wrong. The pain never went I'm just broken. I cuddled into the couch and cried into the pillow trying to stop myself from crying but I just couldn't. The pain was like a trillion knives being stabbed into me.

I continued to cry loudly into the sofa and before I knew it I was pulled into someone's chest. "it's okay baby I'm here now. I'm right here" he rubbed my back and looked into my eyes. He wasn't real! This was my imagination!! He rubbed my cheek and stared into my eyes "shay. Hey look. I'm fine I feel better and I'm still right here. Right. Here" he smiles and presses to cold fingers to where my heart was and smiles softly before kissing my head softly "this is not your fault... I love you shay. Forever and ever." he slowly walks away and I break down again sobbing hard into the pillow. I heard a gasp and looked up noticing my dad. "oh god shay" he whispered before rushing up to me. His eyes were red but his face still held a smile. I tried to calm myself down and dad began to rub my back "it's okay to cry. You're allowed to cry. I'm not going to judge you. You're allowed to feel pain and emotions.... Shay look at me" I was hesitant at first but I slowly looked into his eyes. He rubbed my shoulders gently "shay. If you need my help then all I can say is.... I give you permission to cry. I give you permission to scream. I give you permission to hit me. I give you permission to hold me tight. I give you permission to cry into me. I give you permission to do anything that you want to do but I do not give you permission to hurt yourself! This is in no way your fault. You did nothing to make this happen. This happened for a reason. I do not give you permission to hurt yourself! Physically, emotionally or mentally. I give you permission to forgive him. I give you permission to love yourself. I give you permission to be angry. I give you permission to give me cuddles but I do not give you any sort of permission to do anything bad to yourself" he forces me to look into his eyes before smiling softly "we're going to get through this. He's still right here baby.... You don't have to hide what you feel" I sniffed before cuddling into his chest and gripping him tight. I just needed my dad to hold me and show me he was there for me. He hugs me tight his soft lips pressing against my head and he keeps repeating that until I had calmed down more. My tears soaked his shirt but he didn't care. I didn't care. I was just glad he was right here with me.

I hope this was okay as I made this one up to just try and soothe or help you. I'm here for you ❤️

I love you all so so much

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