Car Crash

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This is for someone who didn't want to be mentioned. I hope you like this one ❤️💖💛💞💕💗💝☺️💛💖💞💕💗

Niall's POV 
"Dr horan" I turn around and look at the nurse "yes?" she hands me a file and my eyes widen "when did she arrive?" my hands begin to shake and I breathe harder "around five minutes ago, sir, a lorry hit her car..." I gasp and immediately run to find where she is. As I find the room I rush in and see the boys attaching things to her "is she okay? What happened to her? Please tell me she's okay!" zayn quickly turns around and places a hand on my shoulder "hey, hey, breathe niall.... Breathe. Its okay" zayn rubs my shoulder "she's going to be okay" I shake my head and rush past him and to her "Bethany... Bethany, baby are you okay? Baby please!" zayn rubs his back "it's okay... She'll wake up soon. We've given her some medicine" I hold her hand tightly and press kisses to it. "niall can I have a word?" louis asks and I slowly walk out with him "is she going to be okay?" he shuts the door and I stare at him with wide eyes "she's going to be fine but she's going to need surgery... She's broken her leg in two places" I gasp and cover my mouth as tears welled up in my eyes. Louis quickly pulled me in for a hug "niall she's going to be fine" I cried into his shoulder before getting myself together and wiping my eyes "okay... Thank you" I walk back in and see Bethany is awake "oh baby! Are you okay?!"

Bethany's POV
I wince and look around a bit confused "you got in a car crash love.... You're going to need surgery" my eyes widen at liam and I whimper "baby its going to be okay" niall whispered holding my hand tightly. I shook my head shaking violently "you're going to be okay love... Don't worry." niall held me close and I cried into his neck "n-ni ni I'm scared" he rubbed my back "I know princess I'm scared too but it's okay... You're going to be fixed" zayn walks over and puts a mask over my face "honey you've broken your leg in two places but it's okay we're going to fix you up. Just breathe in deeply and close your eyes" niall rubs my shoulder gently and I close my eyes breathing deeply. A few minutes later I feel a slight tingling before I fall into a deep sleep.

After surgery

I wake up and whimper "n—niall?" I look around terrified and feel a slight pain in my leg and I begin to cry "niall!" I sob loudly. Niall rushes into the room "oh Bethany! Are you okay baby?" he wraps his arms around me and holds me close. I cry into his neck and he shushes me gently "its okay my love it's okay I'm here I've got you" he gets into bed beside me "you've been asleep for three days now sweetheart... Louis said you needed it as your body was close to shutting down completely" I whimper and cuddle into him "but its all okay now as you've got all the nutritions and medicine you need in you... Your leg is doing well" he kisses my head "I'm going to be right here... I've booked two weeks off so I can help you because you mean so much to me..." he kisses my nose cuddling me closer "I love you sweetheart" I smile and kiss his cheek "I love you too niall... Thank you for looking after me"

Hope you liked this one 😘😘😘😘💛💛💛💛💛💛💕💕💕💕💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞💞😍😍😍😍😍💛💛💛💛💖💖💖💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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