WWE wrestler

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This is for 19fischerss hope you like this one ❤️💕💙💖💚♥️

Shay's POV
"babe you have to punch like this" my boyfriend, harry explained as he punched the air. I nodded and copied him but I didn't get it right "baby" Harry said softly, his arms wrapping around my body as he positioned my fists "there we go. Now punch!" I punched at Liam and liam nodded "Liam say something that will make her angry" Harry said. "what are you doing?" I asked. "helping you" I rolled my eyes and watched Liam as he looked around "ahh... I know... Puppies being kicked" my eyes widened, that's one thing that gets me angry and upset. I ran at Liam and began punching at him, he tried punching back but I pushed him away "never push your opponent away, bad choice love" Liam said as he ran at me. "go for the legs princess!" niall exclaimed. Why he calls me princess... I honestly don't know but I like it I guess. "Shay you're going against a woman who has not lost one battle" zayn said. I looked at him before shrugging "so?" zayn shook his head and smiled.


As I ran into the ring I began jumping up and down smiling as the crowd cheered. The other fighter came on and I stared at her "you're not gonna win" she said. I shrugged, I honestly don't care. "FIGHT!!!" people began screaming and I ran at her legs she fell to the ground and I straddled her before punching her over and over again. Harry and the others were watching from backstage and I just continued punching her until the refiree pulled me off her. She glared at me angrily before running at me, I darted out of the way before jumping on her back and pounding her head in hoping she would pass out. As I continued to hit her the crowd cheered and suddenly she began spinning this caused me to grip onto her tightly, she pinched me and this caused me to scream and let go. I fell to the ground immediately trying to get up but she just pushed me back down, her punches were hard and merciless. I tried blocking the hits but nothing seemed to work, she gripped my neck pulling me up before shoving me back down. She did that a few times before I felt the familiar sensation of something running down my head "shit!" she yelled as she noticed me looking quite dazed. "MEDIC!" Harry screamed. A medic ran into the ring and she began checking me over "Harry your dressing room now then the best thing to do is give her a cold compress" Harry nodded, picking me up and carrying me to his dressing room. He laid me down and I watched as the others scattered about trying to get me something. Niall came back with an ice pack and Harry held it against my head before Louis came back with a bucket and a cloth.

Louis removed the ice before gently rubbing my head with the warm water. I cringed and tried to move as the pain got worse "it hurts lou" louis nodded before apologising. "I know darling. I'm nearly done" I closed my eyes before sighing as he removed the water. Harry then held the ice pack to my head again, I leant against him. "babe" I whispered "yes my love?" he asked looking down "i-I don't feel to good" as I said that my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I passed out

Harry's POV
As she passed out I tried to wake her up. I pressed to fingers to her neck making sure she was still alive I then put my hand in front of her mouth making sure her breathing was normal. I laid her down trying to stop the boys from freaking out.

About 20 minutes later shay was still passed out and I was really concerned. I rubbed her shoulder trying to get her to come to. "baby... Please open your eyes" suddenly she gasped and her eyes shot open "oh thank god" I whispered pressing a hand to my chest. I held her face in my hands "hey babe you're OK. You just passed out" I comforted. She nodded before yawning and pulling me close. I chuckled "haz...cuddles?" she whined I smiled "of course love" I wrapped my arms around her pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. I'm just glad my princess is OK.

Hope you liked this one! ♥️💚💖💙💕❤️

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